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Adult Type II Diabetes Explained

By: Bernard Loten

Millions of men and women around the world have been diagnosed with diabetes. It is, in fact, one of six leading causes of death in North America. Patients face serious consequences, however diabetes can be effectively controlled through medical treatment and healthy lifestyle choices.

There are actually three types of diabetes that affect adults. Type I diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, is a condition present at birth. Type II diabetes develops with age. The third type, gestational diabetes, occurs during pregnancy. Many of the symptoms are similar throughout the three types of diabetes, however each is unique in the onset and development.

What Is Adult Type II Diabetes?

Adult type II diabetes is almost always associated with obesity, although the actual cause of the disease is not clear. In adult type II diabetes, insulin loses its effectiveness with age. As a result, sugars begin to build up within the blood. In the medical profession, this condition is known as "insulin resistance". When this occurs, usually in the adult years, the person is said to suffer from Type II diabetes.

Many people in our generation suffer with adult type II diabetes. It's an extremely common occurrence that an estimated one in ninety adults live with every day. In the past, adult type II diabetes usually developed in older adults, but a new trend shows that the disease is affected men and women at a younger age.

What Is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin is produced in the pancreas, and allows the body to naturally regulate sugars. The failure of this biological regulation is a condition known as insulin resistance. This type of diabetes is also known as "beta cell failure". Some of the most common symptoms are as follows:

* A sudden and noticeable rise in blood glucose levels.

* The fat levels in the blood will also rise, making the arteries susceptible to clogging, and resulting in serious heart conditions.

* Blood pressure levels increase steadily.

* Gout, a condition of acute joint pain, may occur.

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Adult Type II Diabetes?

If you present the following common symptoms, you may have adult type II diabetes:

* Extreme thirst

* Need to urinate frequently

* Chronic fatigue and tiredness

* Sudden, yet not always pronounced, weight loss

* Yeast infection resulting in genital itch

* Skin irritation and recurring infections

Treating Adult Type II Diabetes

If you have been diagnosed with adult type II diabetes, there are steps that you can take to make your life as comfortable and normal as possible:

* Before you do anything else, alter your diet. Work with your doctor to determine a dietary plan that will keep your glucose levels in check.

* Boost your fiber intake, and eliminate as many fats as possible

* Learn to perform your own regular blood glucose level checks. If required, you may also need to inject yourself with insulin. These are essential tasks and you must be diligent in performing them.

* Keep your doctor's number within reach at all times. You need to be able to call for immediate medical help and expert advice, just in case of an emergency arises.

If you are one of the millions of men and women affected with adult type II diabetes, learn as much as you can about the disease and treatment options. Knowledge is a very powerful tool for battling the disease, so take the time to learn all you can and build a strong defense in the fight for your good health.

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Contributor Bernard Loten enjoys writing articles for a variety of Internet health sites, on healthy living and signs of diabetes subjects.

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