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Changing your life

By: Mitamins Team

The end of the egg

Known as the change of life, the menopause involves the end of egg production by the ovaries. Periods usually become less frequent, the odd period is missed, and then they stop altogether. A premature menopause can occur for a number of different reasons, for example, if the ovaries have to be removed surgically, perhaps as part of a total hysterectomy.

Less estrogen

The major effect of the menopause is a greatly reduced production of the hormone estrogen. Some menopausal women suffer psychologically from the awareness that they have come to the end of reproductive life. Without the previously high levels of oestrogen, your risk of heart disease and osteoporosis (brittle bones) increases. Tests such as a bone-density scan or mammogram are advised if you are likely to have a family risk of these diseases.

Natural remedies can help

For other accompanying effects of the menopause, natural remedies are often the best. Some studies have supported the usefulness of black cohosh for women with hot flashes associated with menopause, finding it to be as effective as estrogen therapy in the treatment of menopause. For psychological symptoms of the menopause, anti-depression remedies should be combined with black cahosh for optimum effect.

Psychological effects of the menopause

In postmenopausal women who were experiencing psychological symptoms, a combination of black cohosh and St. John's Wort was significantly more effective than a placebo in improving both menopausal symptoms and depression. Another herbal medication against the anxiety effects of the menopause is called kava. This extract must be taken under the supervision of doctors, but has been found to enhance the anti-anxiety effect of hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women.

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Author Bio: Mitamins team [email protected] Menopause - Find Authoritative Natural Treatment Information, Plus Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements for Supporting Menopause Treatments, Symptoms, Causes. vitamin support for Menopause treatments(

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