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Dual Action Cleanse - Is This Program Worth Your Time?

By: Robert L Brown

Feeling bloated? Constipated or suffering from irregular bowel movements? Take heart, you are not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from these because of poor bowel health. This leads not just to pain and discomfort but also to fatigue and poor concentration. You may also be more prone to colds and flu. What's more, poor bowel health can lead to more serious conditions such as ulcers, inflammatory colitis and an increased risk of bowel cancer. Dual Action Cleanse helps you get rid of this underlying cause - poor bowel health.

Dual Health Cleanse combines two powerful products that work to improve your physical and mental health. It makes use of Colon Clear and the Total Body Purifier. First, you use Colon Clear to eliminate harmful waste products and toxins by working on the colon. A clean system helps make the digestive system more efficient - it is better able to take in nutrients for a healthier you. As a result, we are less prone to disease and we enjoy physical and mental wellness.

Colon Clear makes use of natural ingredients. These include fennel seeds that help remove gas and provide relief from discomfort and oat bran which helps gets rid of waste products and removes the feeling of being bloated. Oat bran works by binding with water and liver excretions. These ingredients have been proven safe and effective in improving colon health and cleansing the bowel.

Other principal ingredients are herbs and natural extracts that promote overall bowel health and soothe the action of your stomach. Mint leaf acts to alleviate spasms and support digestion, while Red Raspberry Leaf is a natural tonic for the blood. A range of natural fibers derived from apples, barley, beetroot and alfalfa aid in the removal of waste and provide bulk for firm, regular bowel movements.

The Total Body Purifier acts on the body not just the colon. It is a specially formulated combination of herbs that act on 15 very specific parts of the body. In total there are more than thirty herbs that are used combined in one tablet.

These herbs work to improve the well-being of the entire body, not just the digestive system and the colon. Total Body Purifier includes marshmallow root, licorice root, hawthorn berry, ginger and peppermint leaf.

Total Body Purifier also contains eleuthero, horsetail herb, Hawthorn berry and Green Tea Extract. Green Tea Extract is known to fight cancer, while Eleuthero enhances the function of the adrenal glands and increases energy levels. Hawthorn berry promotes your heart's wellbeing and improves the body's circulation. Horsetail herb, on the other hand, improves the kidneys' operation and promotes digestion.

For a healthier you, don't just stop with cleansing your bowel. Of course, this will greatly improve your digestive health and reduce the symptoms of conditions such as acne and fatigue. But a healthy bowel does not work in isolation, it needs the support of other body parts. This is why Dual Action Cleans is important in ensuring that not just one part of the body is healthy. It targets your whole physical well-being.

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Further reading: Learn more details about colon cleansing methods plus about the risks of colon cleansing - visit the links for more details.

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