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Eating a Health Diet During Pregnancy

By: Debra Evant

It's more important than ever for a woman to eat properly and take care of her body during pregnancy than at any other time in her life. Eating properly is necessary for the health of not only the mother, but the growth and health of the unborn baby. It's also important to exercise regularly so that the nine months of pregnancy are physically as easy as possible.

If you're pregnant you of course want to make sure that your pregnancy is as healthy as possible. There are a variety of things you can do to help. One of the most first things that should plan to do is make sure that you get the vitamins and nutrition that you need in the proper amounts recommended for a pregnant woman.

Make sure that you get enough iron and folium. If you lack a diet that has adequate amounts of iron you may want to talk to your doctor about taking a supplement. You'll also need to make sure that you get enough calcium during your pregnancy. One of the ways that you can ensure that you're eating enough to include all the nutrients that you need in one day, is too make sure that you eat a well balanced breakfast each day.

Another problem that most women face during pregnancy is that of constipation. Pregnant women can tackler this problem by exercising regularly and taking more fibrous foods in their diet. Water is also beneficial and a minimum of 8 glasses should be taken each day.

Pregnancy also requires you to avoid particular foods or take them in moderation due to their bad repercussions. For example alcohol is to be completely stopped. This is because it is bad for the development of the unborn baby. Other things in your diet could be fish as it is high in mercury. Soft cheeses is another, being high on taste and low in nutrition and calcium

All this good nutritive food can lead to excessive weight gain in most ladies, which they should refrain from. All pregnant ladies would do well to remember that they require only 300 more calories in their diet and therefore 1,900 to 2,500 calories is good enough each day. Excessive weight is always difficult to loose and also makes your pregnancy difficult.

The extra 300 calories that you consume each day should be calories that are packed full of vitamins and nutrition. Some good choices for additional calories are foods such as nonfat yogurt, wholegrain toast and peanut butter, fruit salads topped with yogurt, or low fat granola with skim milk.

Every pregnancy is different and you have to take doctors advice to make sure that what all you are doing is good for you. Not everything suits everybody. For a good and healthy pregnancy right from day one to the final delivery of the baby, you have to have the right combination of healthy food, exercises and stretches.

Another aspect which sometimes is left ignored is the mental well being of the mother to be. Mental health of the mother is also reflected on the baby therefore it is important for her to remain in good spirits always. Nowadays there is also a host of guidance available for would be mothers in the form of books. You can make use of such books to find out what to do and what not to do.

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Debra Evant is the chief editor for Pregnancy Reference, a fantastic resource for information about pregnancy, For questions or comments about this article why not visit:
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