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Essential Acne Control: Tips on Causes and Treatment

By: Mitamins Team

The skin is the largest organ of the human body, but it is often the first ignored when it comes to health. When your skin is mistreated, it may very well mistreat you through acne breakouts. However not everyone who suffers breakouts is to blame, as acne can strike anyone, and most often appears on the face, neck and back. When trying to find an acne control, it�s best to know what acne is, how it affects the skin, and then go from there to find an acne treatment that will suit your situation, skin type and acne severity.

Acne is most commonly found in teens undergoing hormonal changes, with roughly 80% of teens suffering from mild to severe forms of the skin condition that is considered a natural part of growing up. It is caused by the prevalence of a hormone called androgen, which increases the amount of skin oil produced by the body. While most forms of acne usually clear up by the early 20s, living with acne can be frustrating, and even traumatic, for many. Acne control, even during stages of life where breakouts are considered natural, is possible.

There are generally three different approaches to acne treatment:

1. Preventing pores from becoming clogged or plugged with oils, or sebum
2. Encouraging blackheads and whiteheads to dry more rapidly
3. Using antibiotics that kill acne bacteria

Taking lessons learned from our ancestors, it is, however, possible to maintain acne control through the use of nature�s bounty and with vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in the diets of many teenagers, who opt more for the burgers and fries option than lean meats, veggies and fruits in their daily diet plan.

While acne is not directly related to what you eat, diet does have an effect on how well your body is able to maintain normal body chemical levels, which in turn affect cells, cell growth, the health of your skin, and ultimately your body�s natural acne control.

One of the most beneficial minerals used today as an acne treatment is zinc, and many strongly recommend taking zinc supplements to improve overall skin health, though one should not take more than 100 mg of zinc on a daily basis to prevent toxicity. When taking zinc, it is also important to take other vitamins and minerals such as copper and manganese, as most vitamins and minerals must work together to perform their functions. One without the other often fails to produce desired results.

When it comes to acne treatment, make sure you�re also getting enough:

� - Vitamin A - maintains moist and healthy skin tissues
� - Vitamin C - works as an antioxidant, and enhances tissue growth and repair
� - B vitamins - also serve to maintain healthy skin tone and reduce stress, a major factor in acne flare-ups
� - Vitamin E - works as an antioxidant, enhances tissue repair, as well as preventing cell damage

To keep acne under control, it is especially important to eat well-balanced and nutritious meals or take vitamin and mineral supplements that contain the necessary amounts and combinations that the body needs for optimum health, not only for muscles and organs, but for the skin as well.

Acne treatment provided by a dermatologist, in combination with obtaining a properly balanced diet and adequate vitamins and minerals will go a long way to maintain acne control and to prevent severe outbreaks. While you may have to live with acne for a few years, it is up to you to do whatever you can to decrease symptoms and to take an active part in your own acne treatment plan.

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Author Bio: Mitamins team [email protected] Targeted: Acne; Safety: Avoid Vitamins Overdose, Supplement Drug Interactions; Quality: Freshly Made with Brand Ingredients. vitamin support for Acne treatments(

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