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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Hunting But Never Asked

By: Alexander Marlin

It is my survival hunting tips that always made it easy for me to bring home my gain in top condition. Here are some tips you should know before your hunting trip.

If you plan to succeed, you're a step ahead of the other hunters any day. Part of a successful hunter's plan should include the basics of field dressing, as well as a hunt kit that includes the tools you'll need in the event of success.

One thing you should do first is to pack a good hunting knife. Make sure to bring along a knife your accustomed of, it can be a folding blade or fixed blade knife. you will need your stone to sharpen it. With any kill, you might need to skin the animal or make incisions for field dressing.

During warm weather it is important to keep your kill cooled. Make sure the carcass is cooled right away. Using the old fashion traditional field dressing will work, but if you brought along that one-ton packed with ice, use that. Just remember that meat spoils faster on the inside.

While dressing your carcass, make sure that you don't puncture the innards of your kill, this will help you avoid contamination at all cost. It is a wise idea to tie off the rectum, before trying to remove it.

The golden rule, so to speak, is being sure you're aiming at the right target. This ensures safety for bystanders and other hunters. Bear in mind that you should know what lies beyond your intended target, as a bullet or arrow can potentially carry on and cause serious harm to someone in a further field.

Always bring along enough food for your dog. Lots of fresh water for yourself and for the dog to drink as well. When summer temperatures are high in early summer, pay keen attention to hydration for yourself and your dog.

When it comes to hunting dogs, pedigree and training are very expensive and you will have to pay top dollar for a good hunting dog. But, in the end it will be worth much more than the price paid.

As you choose areas to hunt at particular times or under specific conditions, make time to practice your hunt skills before you intend to use them. And consider jotting down your successes, failures and things you might like to try in the field next year.

There are a number of products on the market to help you cover your tracks - and just as many to help you gain a few extra seconds to line up that perfect shot.

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Before you start planning for your hunting adventure, you must know which hunting supplies to carry along.
Click here for other unique hunting articles.

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