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By: foodforhair

Healthy hair is not possible without proper nutrients from the food you eat. Here are necessary ingredients from the foods for healthy hair.

Proteins build the hair. Lack of proteins in your body leads to damage of your hair. Hair needs a sufficient amount of protein daily to strengthen the roots.

Protein-rich foods are found in animal products (eggs, meat, fish, milk, etc.) and plant products (soy beans and cereals).

Water is the most important nutrient that supports hair growth. It is the moisture that keeps the hair alive. You should drink around 5 liters of water every day to preserve the shine and strength of your hair.

Hair also needs plemty of vitamins. Use plenty of oil and shampoos rich in hair vitamins. Eat carrots, green leafy vegetables and milk.

Hair really needs specifically Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Minerals are the vital nutrients for the growth of healthy hair and for its maintenance.

Zinc is crucial to prevent hair loss. Iron carries oxygen into the hair roots. This will keep the surface of the hair shiny and silky.

Hair pigmentation mostly depends on the copper content in your hair. Make sure you eat copper-rich foods like meat and liver, green vegetables and seeds.

So include these foods for the most healthy hair!

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