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Headache Remedies

By: Jane OBrien

Introduction -

Headache is the most common ailment that almost all suffer from at on point of time or other. They can be of two types - primary and secondary.

People may opt for man-made (home remedies) drugs for headaches or pain relievers. However, the natural remedies for headaches are gaining are more popular as they provide a very safe and effective way to relieve headaches.

Cluster Headaches -

Nutrition supplements like Melatonin for reducing the severity and frequency of the headaches. An herb, Cayenne also relieves the headache.

Migraine Headaches -
Nutrition supplements like Magnesium (helps in reducing frequency of migraines), Vitamin B2 (for reducing the frequency and severity of migraines) and 5-HTP (for reducing the frequency and severity of migraines) and Herbs like Feverfew (reduces severity, duration, and frequency) and Ginkgo Biloba will help.
Tension Headaches -
Nutritional supplements like L-5 hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) (reduces the frequency and severity) and herbs like peppermint oil (has relaxing, pain relieving effect) will help.
Home Remedies -
Some other remedies listed below can also be tried -
1. If not working, you can take a short break from work, get home and lie down and relax.
2. Switching off all the lights and relaxing in dark helps release the headache. Lights (particularly very bright or fluorescent ones) are said to cause migraine headaches.
3. Headaches may also result from stale and stagnant air. Taking a break from work and taking quick walk or a stroll in a park or garden, helps as fresh air releases headache.
4. Using a pain reliever like aspirin or anything that suits you (but as per the doctor's prescriptions) also helps
5. Some people are used to treat headaches with coffee, caffeine or other drinks. Chocolate is also said to relieve headache.
6. Many people feel meditation is a very effective way of treating headaches as it is an easy and natural way.
7. Candles lighted around the home and some meditation helps you feel relaxed and relieve the headache.
8. There are some natural oils that act as pain relievers like mint, eucalptus, or rosemary. Headache and pain reliever "bags" filled with natural healing ingredients and herbs and heated in a microwave also helps.
9. A head massage or a complete body massage is a natural way to treat headaches.
10. Soft and soothing type of music relaxes body and mind and relieves the headache.

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