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High triglycerides

By: Mitamins Team

How do you know if you have high triglycerides?

As with heart disease and other internal problems, the symptoms of high triglycerides( are not easy to spot until you already have heart disease. Very high triglycerides( can cause pancreatitis, an enlarged liver and spleen, and fatty deposits in the skin. Otherwise, high triglycerides may not cause symptoms until and unless heart disease or other diseases of blood vessels develop.

Giving up on the booze

Liking a drink won't give you high triglycerides necessarily. But years of heavy drinking might possibly do so. And as high triglyceride is a precursor to heart disease, you should do everything you can to avoid tripping up on it. While consuming moderate amounts of alcohol does not appear to affect triglyceride levels, heavy drinking is believed to be an important cause of hypertriglyceridemia. Alcoholics with elevated TG levels should deal with the disease of alcoholism first. See a counsellor or doctor, and confide in an understanding friend or relative. Above all, never drink alone.

Fatty fish!

To reduce your high triglyceride( problem once diagnosed, you should treat it with fish-oil or fatty fish itself. The amount of fish oil depends, with the aim to get as much fish oil from the omega-3 fatty acids as possible. Significant amounts of TG-lowering omega-3 fatty acids can be found in the fish oil of salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, albacore tuna, and black cod. Many doctors recommend that people with elevated TGs increase their diet of these fatty fish.

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