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Hikers - Using a Map

By: Leroy Calstard

Hiking is an activity that takes planning and preparation. Experienced hikers know the importance of using a map to navigate a trail or find their location. Usually it�s the beginners who think that if they stay on the trail they�ll be fine but this isn�t always true. In forested areas you can easily get disoriented and loose your sense of direction. A map will help you find your way to your destination or at least back to where you started.

First off, make sure you have a current map of your hiking area. Before leaving the comfort of your home, study the map to get acquainted with the symbols; symbols aren�t universal and every map publisher has their own. Also find the legend of the map and determine the scale (1 inch equals one mile, for example). This will help your determine where you can travel to in the allotted time you�ve given yourself to hike.

Also take note of the altitude markings since these will have a major bearing on your route and how long it will take. Altitude markings or contour lines are the curvy lines around a mountain and the distance between these lines is an indication of the altitude and grade of the mountain. The closer together contour lines are the steeper the terrain.

In one of the corners of the map is a directional guide that will tell you which way is north, south, east and west. Once you�re at your hiking location you can use a compass to orientate yourself with the map. As a rough guide you can also use natural direction indicators. During the day you can use the sun as a guide since it rises in the east and sets in the west. At night you can use the North Star as a reference in murcia. Again, these are not exact indicators but they will help you out if you�ve forgotten your compass or it�s damaged.

A good exercise is to use a map on a simple, well marked trail. Compare your map reading skills with the actual course and terrain. You will see where you�ve made errors and how to correct them.

Make sure you keep the map in good condition. Place it in a sealable bag so it won�t get wet if it rains. If you�ll be trekking in dark conditions, e.g. thick forest, then bring a flashlight.

Having a up to date map and being able to read it is essential to hiking. Make sure you plan and are prepared for your hike before you set off.

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Leroy Calstard routinely edits papers on problems dealing with Benissa and Cartagena. His publications on map of murcia are found on his website .

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