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How to Increase the Effectiveness of Your Nutritional Supplements

By: Mitamins Team

Whether you�re starting or continuing a health program that includes taking nutritional supplements and vitamins, congratulate yourself for being so proactive. Many people are less pragmatic, consequently wasting natural opportunities to look and feel better.
However, simply taking a daily regimen of nutritional supplements doesn�t ensure that you�re getting the most out of them. In fact, its likely that youre unknowingly sabotaging the effectiveness of your vitamins.
Here, well explore some of the ways that you can maximize the impact that your nutritional supplements have on your body and mind:
1. Eat a Nutritious Diet
The best nutritional supplements in the world cannot hope to work if you�re eating a diet filled with fatty foods, junkmeals, and sodium-laden snacks. In fact, such foodstuffs may actually be blocking your vitamins paths.
Along similar lines, eating virtually nothing except nutritional supplements is just as unhealthy. Sure, you may be thin, but your bones will be brittle, your skin dry, and your brain dull as a result of your self-starvation. Again, vitamins must be used in conjunction with food; they cannot stand on their own.
Attempt to balance your daily and weekly food intake as best you can using the U.S. Government�s new food pyramid as a guideline.That way, your nutritional supplements will have a healthy canvas in which to work.
2. Exercise Regularly
Are you the ultimate �couch potato�? Has it been ages since you took a walk? Does a �workout� include walking to the fridge and back? If so, you aren�t helping your nutritional supplements make an impact!
Regular physical activity allows your body to function properly. Digestion,absorption, and elimination functions are all improved when an individual engages in mild to moderate exercise at least four times per week for a half hour. (Ideally, you should increase the amount of activity as you become accustomed to feeling and looking fit.)
3. Get Enough Sleep
Rest is essential for the body and the spirit. Without enough sleep, we cannot hope to complete activities at 100% of our abilities. Hence, if you�re taking nutritional supplements but not getting a good nights sleep, your body wont be able to process and make use of the vitamins and minerals as it would if you were well-rested.
(Ironically, if you�re suffering from insomnia or sleep disorders, there are nutritional supplements you can take to ensure you get those zzzzs. But, again, if you aren�t generally healthy to begin with, those nutritional supplements may not work as quickly or efficiently as they otherwise could.)
4. Drink Alcohol in Moderation
Adult beverages may be tempting, but they can wreak havoc on your internal system, messing with the absorption of nutritional supplements. Though an occasional glass of wine or mug of beer is unlikely to cause major problems, if you�re drinking to excess on a regular basis, you�re not doing your health (or your vitamins) any favors.
Remember that the more energy and thought you put into your overall wellness, the better your vitamins will be able to help you achieve your personal best.

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Author Bio: Mitamins team [email protected] Find Authoritative Health Information on Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements; Find Custom Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements for all Your Health Needs. Vitamin health and Nutritional Supplements(

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