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Is your child suffering from child headache

By: Jane OBrien

Though child headache can be a serious problem and should not be ignored, one needs to remember that most children do get headaches sometimes. Most of the time a headache may not be serious just like a tension headache that an adult might get while fighting traffic. Chances are that this is not a life threatening condition, and that over the long term it will not have a significant impact on the child's life. However one cannot neglect child headaches as they might be signaling a serious health issue. A headache is actually a helpful signal which has the potential of leading one to treatment that will probably solve the problem.

Child headache � the common problems

The most prevalent and common child headache is the tension type headache (TTH). Tension headaches cause general mild to moderate head pain, and sometimes even muscle aches and fatigue. TTHs usually pass on without treatment, but an ice pack on the pain, a walk, a warm shower or bath, or a short nap can help. If you feel your child tends to get tensed, a few visits to the physical therapist may actually save your child from a lifetime of related health issues.
If your child starts having headaches around puberty, there are high chances that hormones are involved. Often, this is when migraines start, but other types of headache may also begin. You can see your doctor to deal with the problem early on.
In case the child feels nauseated, chances are that it is a migraine, or a headache with an infection. A fever is a hint that it is a headache along with an infection. Tylenol or ibuprofen is prescribed for this type of headache. Consulting the doctor is important here also.
The treatment options for Child headache �
The first treatment option for child headaches is lifestyle changes. The child must be taught healthy habits that will last a lifetime, for more reasons than just the headache! Depending upon the type of headache, you must discuss the options for treatment with your doctor. Home remedies can also be an added benefit for child headache. It can help for the child to feel that they can do something to avoid or limit the pain. This can include using an ice pack, or learning how to relax. Herbal or vitamin/mineral options can also be considered.

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