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Natural Ways to Treat Acne

By: Sterling Ostin

Acne is a skin condition that attacks victims of all ages. Acne can occur on all skin types, and can range from light, occasional blemishes, to full-scale breakouts. Every acne sufferer is different, and every treatment will not benefit all patients.

We've all wished for a magic potion to make acne disappear. The unfortunately reality is that there is no single proven method of curing acne. There are several underlying factors that contribute to an acne breakout. That's why, for many patients, a combination of treatments can be the most effective means of controlling or combating this chronic skin condition.

While diet and hygiene may have an effect on the acne condition, many people turn to chemical or pharmaceutical treatments. While these products may have some power in cleaning away bacteria many users, particularly younger people with sensitive skin, find the products too potent or abrasive. Using chemical treatments may actually damage or irritate the very skin that they are meant to cleanse.

Acne sufferers with sensitive skin, and people looking for chemical-free options, will be happy to know that there are many alternative acne treatments available on the market. Using these treatment methods can help keep your skin looking clearer and healthier.

Herbal Remedies

Powerful medicinal acne drugs can cause nasty side effects. Herbal remedies, on the other hand, can offer some relief without the chemicals. Even the most potent herbal remedies also have their flaws, however, and users should not expect instant results. These herbal solutions may need to be administered for a month or more before seeing positive results. Acne sufferers should note that relatively few studies have been taken to present the effectiveness, so there is little scientific proof as to the benefits of using herbal remedies as alternative acne treatments.

Home-brewed Acne Remedies

People suffered with acne long before chemical treatments were available, and you may be surprised to find that some of the home treatments can actually work quite well. These remedies use products found around the home, so they are much more affordable than pharmaceutical options. As with herbal remedies, there has not been a great deal of scientific research conducted to properly support the claims. Home remedies can take a little longer to reach positive results, but there will be fewer side effects. If your grandmother tells you to sleep with cucumber slices on your forehead, go ahead and try it. You may be pleasantly surprised by the results!

Natural Acne Treatments

Another way to avoid the negative side effects of powerful drug or chemical treatments is through natural alternatives. While natural options can offer relief, some treatments may take several weeks before showing any effect. Again, little scientific research is available to prove the effectiveness and consequences of natural alternative acne treatments. Further, most research is funded by drug companies, so the studies generally focus synthetic treatments rather than those that you can prepare yourself with affordable natural ingredients.

You should speak with your medical practitioner about acne treatment options. It is, after all, a medical condition. A good doctor will give you the option to try natural alternatives to harsh chemicals and drugs. In the end, you have the power to choose your treatment method. Consider home remedies, herbal treatments and natural alternatives in your search for acne relief.

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Contributor Sterling Ostin is a frequent contributor to numerous popular web sites, on health services and man health magazine topics.
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