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Nutritional Supplements: Magnificent Magnesium

By: Mitamins Team

More and more people are being diagnosed with asthma today, most likely due to the contaminants in our environment, especially for those who live in large cities with a high amount of smog or other pollutants in the air.

Medications to relieve symptoms of asthma are few, and produce temporary relief. More and more doctors are suggesting combining vitamins(, minerals and herbs into nutritional supplements, with positive results. One of the most beneficial nutritional supplements in asthma treatment has been found to be magnesium.

Magnesium Nutritional Supplements for Asthma

Magnesium is an important mineral for our body but it is required only in very small amounts by the body in proportion to weight. The absorption of magnesium in the body depends on a number of factors such as dietary habits, stomach acid levels, and body needs. 40-50 percent of magnesium is usually absorbed from the foods we eat, but this percentage varies greatly in individuals from 25 to 75 percent. This means that nutritional supplements may be needed in cases where the diet is deficient in magnesium. If someone is deficient in magnesium, they are likely to be deficient in other vitamins too - making an all-in-one nutritional health supplement even more important.

Teeth and bones contain 65% of the body�s magnesium with the remaining 35% of present in brain, heart, tissues, blood, and other body fluids. The ratio of calcium to magnesium in the body should be 2:1. It is Magnesium�s presence in muscle tissues, particularly the lung tissues, that make this mineral an excellent nutritional supplement for asthma and overall lung health(

Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps to promote nerve and muscle health in the human body. Recent studies have also shown that this trace mineral also offers great benefits as part of a vitamin nutritional supplement for those suffering from asthma. After tests, doctors have found that most people diagnosed with breathing difficulties have low levels of magnesium in their systems and require health supplements( Magnesium helps to block spasms in bronchial passages as well as in the smooth muscle tissues in the trachea. It does this by enhancing the production of chemical mediators that relax bronchospasms.

In addition, magnesium health supplements reduce the histamine response in the body, a chemical that is released to control allergic reactions that results in inflammation. Those suffering from asthma also appear to have increased levels of histamine, which leads to such inflammation and hence, constriction of bronchial tubes.

To ensure that your body has enough magnesium to provide optimum benefits avoid caffeine and alcohol, which contribute to magnesium deficiency (and the deficiency of many other vitamins too). Also, if you exercise regularly and diet often, make sure you are taking nutritional supplements that will put that much needed magnesium back into your body. Magnesium can also be found in vitamin-rich food sources such as dark green vegetables, bananas, almonds and nuts.

Magnesium can be taken in capsule form or by injection but let your doctor decide which method is right for you. Your doctor will also tell you want additional vitamins or minerals your nutritional supplements should contain to enhance the absorption of magnesium and increase overall help. With the right combination of vitamins and minerals, plus a healthy lifestyle, you�ll soon be able to breathe more easily.

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Author Bio: Mitamins team [email protected] Convenient: All Your Vitamins in 1 Bottle; Choice: 680 Health Concerns Covered; Safety: Avoid Overdose and Drug Interactions; Quality: Made Fresh with Brand Ingredients. Vitamin health and Nutritional Supplements(

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