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Quit Smoking - The Easy Way

By: Patrick Glancy

Quitting smoking is never easy, if it was easy no one would smoke. Smoking is a habit which generally gets involved in many parts of your life, so it makes sense for a quit smoking program to be fairly involved. Hypnosis can help you to conquer your habit and take back your life, allow me to explain.

You experience your smoking habit in unique ways. You know in what areas you struggle with decisions to smoke or not. Your experience is both unique and also common.

Think for a moment what it would be like to not have a craving, imagine what you will do with the extra time. The average time to smoke one cigarette is five to ten minutes, this time adds up!

It doesn't end there. Hypnosis can help make it even easier for you to begin having cravings for other things such as water, exercise and fresh air. These distractions help to fill in your new found free time. Think of all the time you use smoking each day, now think of all the things you could be doing instead!

Everyone has stress in their lives, and that stress can build up and make your cravings stronger. Some use stress as an excuse to start smoking again. You can use hypnosis to help control your stress both directly and indirectly which will allow you to more easily reach your goal.

Increasing your confidence is always a good thing. Hypnosis works to build or re-build how you feel. In particular, building the confidence and belief you CAN quit smoking this time, and feel great while you do it. One of the ways we learn habits is repetition. I'm fairly certain this is not your first try to quit smoking. Failing in previous attempts can give doubt that it will not work this time. Hypnosis can help with this fear.

What if I gain weight? No worries, hypnosis can address both your eating habits and choices. This will help you stay in control while quitting. Just knowing this should ease your mind, making the process more successful.

With all the help in your corner, this time, quitting smoking will be a walk in the park. Which doesn't sound so bad at all!

Article Source:

Patrick Glancy, NGH Board Certified Hypnotist with a focus on
behavior modification for Quit Smoking Hypnosis
Quick Hypnosis - Self-Help Hypnosis on CD and MP3 Download

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