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The Basics on Hybrid Cars

By: Gugu Maseko

Surprisingly, hybrid cars were around even before gas-powered cars. Back in about the year 1665, a Jesuit priest by the name of Ferdinand Verbeist began plans for a certain type of vehicle. That vehicle would be very simple, nothing complex, or intricate. Simple was all he wanted. So Ferdinand planned out a car that would have four wheels and would run only on steam. It took about fifteen years of work for Ferdinand to go through with his plan. He labored to perfect his dream car. But no one knows if he ever finished because there is no evidence that his concept existed.

This electric car was a highly applauded innovation of its time. However, the only problem was that it was very difficult to recharge the car's battery. Some pioneers came behind Anderson, but they too had a hard time getting the battery to recharge easily.

Now hybrid cars are becoming more and more popular as people understand them more. Hybrid cars in the 21st century saw a boom in sales when the Toyota Prius came out on the market. It was the first hybrid with four doors that was marketed in America.

The reasons why plug-in hybrid cars may not be as green as you think

Plug-in hybrid cars are better for the environment than regular hybrid cars, they insist. This is because some people believe that hands down electric power is much cleaner than fuel power. People who insist plug-in hybrid cars are better for the environment also say that plug-in hybrid cars don't really need a lot of electricity to power them. They recharge their own batteries. So they don't have to be dependent on other sources of power. The electric sockets are used merely to top off those batteries.

Plug-in hybrid cars are great hybrid cars to own and they are easy to love, but you might not want to make your expectations too high or you may end up disappointed. But in any case, make no mistake; a plug-hybrid car will be one of the best hybrid cars to buy when it comes out.

Is the future of hybrid cars unpredictable?

Right now, car industry bosses believe that hybrid car sales will outrun those of other cars that are great when it comes to fuel efficiency. They think the sales of hybrid cars will just leap over those of pick-ups, luxury models, and sports vehicles.

However, other people believe that car manufacturers do a lot of grandstanding because the auto bosses think that hybrid cars will accomplish all of the above in five years. But opponents say it's impossible to make such predictions for five years down the road because there are just too many variables. For instance, now the price of gas is about $3.00, but who knows what it will be five years from now.

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