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The Benefits of Acne Laser Treatment over Traditional Cures

By: Wendy Jones

Using acne laser treatment to treat cases of acne was originally seen as a "last ditch" effort to clear up severe cases of the skin condition. When other treatments like cortisone injections had failed to cure the acne, the doctors would call in "the big guns".

These laser treatments are a process for curing an already existing case of acne - not for preventing acne from occurring in the first place. While prevention is always better than a cure, with skin conditions like acne that is not always possible.

A Non Invasive Acne Treatment That Works

The treatment itself is a much less invasive process than any form of surgery, and when combined with other acne medications, like Isotretinion, it's possible to eliminate the scar tissue and rebuild your complexion and healthy skin tone.

Laser treatments involve short bursts of soft but intense light directed at the affected areas. The aim is to target the skin glands which results in the reduction of oil secretion from the skin and pores.

Some types of light will also kill the bacteria that forms the acne, effectively "killing" it from within. Another positive side effect is that the light therapy has also been shown to help the production of collagen, which can then help improve skin tone and reduce and scarring.

Some of the major reasons that acne laser treatment is becoming very popular is that there are no known side effects, and the success rate is fairly high. Laser treatment has been in use for several years now, with very good results. After several visits to the dermatologist, you will start to notice a gradual reduction in the lesions and scars, and your skin should start to feel a lot smoother.

As more positive results and test cases are logged, more research is performed, and the treatment is also showing to be effective for use with acne vulgaris.

The success rate of acne laser treatments is also extremely good, with almost 100% of cases seeing positive results within a 12 week period - which when compared to anywhere between 6 and 8 months for oral treatments makes quite a difference.

There are many options and home use products available for acne laser treatments, but it's always best to start by consulting a professional and/or your doctor. Don't take chances with your health - no matter how tempting it may be.

Article Source:

Wendy runs Wendys Acne Product Reviews, a blog to support people suffering with acne. Here Wendy talks about acne laser treatments and how it can be an effective">acne scar treatment

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