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The Perfect Facial Treatment

By: Geoff Hopkins

Your skin is unique- it is your 'visible personality', the first thing people see when they meet you. Because of this, there is no such thing as "The Perfect Facial Treatment" that will be the same for everyone. You need to find the best treatment for your individual skin profile. Let's take a look at the six major skin types out there, and which methods and products are suited to each.

Dry: People who suffer from dry skin often complain of redness and itching. The best course of action is to seek out those products that will naturally hydrate the skin, usually ones which contain fruit extracts or collagen. You may have to reapply serveral times a day for best results.

Oily: Sometimes we can have too much of a good thing- oily skin can feed pore clogging bacteria, and is a tough foundation for most makeups. The Perfect Facial Treatment for oily skin will be full of gentle drying agents, like alpha-hydroxy acids and almond meal. Again, a treatment program of two to three times per day works best.

Combination: Dry plus oily can be a tough case to manage, but there is hope. An Ultimate Skincare Product for combination skin will work to balance the pull between oily and dry, never letting either one gain the upper hand. Remember to also watch your diet, and stay away from caffeine and alcohol!

Sensitive: people with dry and oily skin alike can have a high degree of sensitivity. Sensitive skin can itch, crack, burn, or develop a rash if not treated properly, so make sure you select a BEST WRINKLE CREAM that is formulated by a dermatologist. You may have to pay a bit more, and you will also have to make sure your product contains no fragrances or colors, but the results will be worth it.

Fair: The number one cause of skin aging is sun exposure- for fair skin this is an even bigger problem. Your skin care regimen should include a moisturizer with at least SPF 30, and wearing a hat won't hurt either.

Normal: if you have so-called "normal" skin, you are one of the lucky few, but remember that you will still need to treat your skin with a BEST WRINKLE CREAM. Select a cream for "balanced" or "normal" skin, apply it regularly, and make sure to eat well and stay out of the sun.

No matter what kind of skin you have, you will need to purchase an anti-aging product eventually to prolong the health and vitality of your skin. Simply make sure to select the correct product, establish and stick to a regiment, and acquire a healthy lifestyle, and your skin will reflect your inner beauty.

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Geoff Hopkins has worked in the facial wrinkle cream industry for years. He maintains websites about anti aging treatments and wrinkle remover cream.

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