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Vitamins: Part 2

By: Mel Possehl..

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) were introduced in 1993 as a way to expound on the outdated RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of vitamins.

The DRI includes four subcategories, as follows:

RDA/Recommended Dietary Allowance - This is not a goal for assessing a diet, but rather for intake, and is the daily avg. intake level required to meet the needs of ninety-seven to ninety-eight percent of healthy people in any given gender group or life stage.

Adequate Intake Level/AI - Based on experimentally determined or observed estimates of the vitamin intake of healthy people that is assumed to be adequate. Used when EAR cannot be determined.

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UI) - As the name suggests, this is the approximated level at which a micronutrient can be ingested while bearing no ill effects on the body. So, as intake increases above this level, the potential risks increase as well.

EAR/Estimated Adequate Intake - Excluding pregnant or lactating women and children under 4, this is the average daily nutrient requirement thought to be needed by 50% of any particular gender/life stage group. It's considered to be the most accurate estimation.

It is important to note before closing that the RDA & AI may not be adequate for people recovering from deficiencies, or for those in a diseased or compromised state. They are used, rather, as a tool for planning and assessing a population's healthy diet.

I hope this clears some thing up. For more information on the requirements and sources of each vitamin, stay tuned for upcoming articles, or follow the link provided. Thank You!

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To find out more about vitamins and the new monograms, please click Vitamin Requirements to view. Mel Possehl can enlighten you on not only Vitamin Requirements, but many other things having to do with nutrition & healthy living!

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