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Ways To Make A Salad Vinaigrette Dressing

By: Kerris Samson

If you happen to be someone that does enjoy a good salad, but find them a little bland without some kind of dressing, instead of buying a ready made one, why not try and make your own. Below we offer you a number of different very simple ways along with a basic recipe for your to make your own salad vinaigrette dressing in a matter of minutes.

In order for you to make a very basic vinaigrette dressing for a salad you can use a whisk, jar, blender or food processor to mix all of the ingredients together. Often the most simple of dressings for a salad will consist of 1 part vinegar, 2 parts oil and some herbs and spices.

If you want to make a very quick vinaigrette to go with a salad then the best way to do this is by using a blender or food processor. Once you have the ingredients together, first pour the vinegar (1 part) into the machine and then to this add spices and herbs to taste and blend together well. Next whilst the machine is still running you begin to slowly pour in the oil (2 parts) until it has all gone and the mixture has been combined together.

For those who have some time to spare then you may find making a great tasting vinaigrette for your salad is by using a whisk. Again you first need to mix the vinegar and the spices or herbs together and whisk until combined. Then very slowly you need to start adding the oil it is best if you drizzle in a couple of tablespoons of the oil at a time until everything has been combined well together. You may discover that using an electric whisk when making a vinaigrette is much easier than doing it by hand.

The simplest and easiest way for making a vinaigrette dressing which will mean far less washing up for you is by using a jar (with a screw on lid). Take your jar and into this pour the vinegar and add the herbs or spices (or both) and then replace the lid. Once the lid has been screwed on tight you need to shake the jar vigorously to make sure that all the ingredients have been mixed together. Once this has been done you now need to start slowly adding the oil. It is best if you do this 2 to 3 tablespoons at a time, and every time you add some oil replace the lid and then again vigorously shake the jar. Remember to make sure the lid is on tight or else you could end up with vinaigrette everywhere.

For you to be able to make a very simple and basic vinaigrette dressing you need to get the following ingredients together.

1. Cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2. Cup Balsamic Vinegar 3. 3 Cloves of Garlic which have been pressed not cut or crushed 4. 1 Teaspoon of Oregano (fresh is better but dried will do at a pinch) 5. Teaspoon of Rosemary (fresh is best because you need to crush it before adding to the vinegar. However if fresh rosemary is not available then dried will suffice).

Now you have the above ingredients together you just need to combine them and this can easily be done using one of the methods that we have mentioned previously in this article. You will find that it will only take around 5 minutes to produce a great tasting salad vinaigrette dressing that will provide your meal with a little bit more. Also as long as any you have left over is kept in a jar in the refrigerator it can be used again for a further two weeks.

Article Source: is your one stop source for all things relating to nutrition and salads. To find more salad and dressing recipes then click here.

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