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While Cleansing Your Colon, You Can Enjoy Many Foods

By: Robie Bigeleaux

When beginning a colon cleansing regimen, it's important to include a diet rich in fiber. With all the colon disorders evident in today's population, like constipation, diverticulitis and chronic constipation, why not add a diet rich in fiber? It's relatively easy. Choose the right foods and you can help prevent these disorders and at the same time, live a healthier life.

Fibrous foods provide roughage that keeps waste moving through the colon and help to stimulate peristaltic action. This easier passage out of the body will help decrease the risk of intestinal problems. Soluble and insoluble fibers will provide the bulk necessary to prevent accumulated putrified waste and mucoid plaque build up.

The colon is not the only organ that benefits by eating a high fiber diet. A diet of this nature can also help the body's cholesterol and blood-sugar/insulin levels. Re-balancing your body through an effective colon cleanse using a high-fiber diet can help regulate your weight, in addition to helping you control bloating, bad breath and skin rashes. It is amazing to see how an effective colon cleansing can make such a difference in all organs of the body.

Committing to a healthy diet will provide your body with the fiber and nutrition it needs to properly take care of itself. Create great tasting salads that include dark leafy greens such as dandelion, kale, chard, mustard and collard. These foods will add more fiber and nutrition and help the natural cleansing process. Sprinkle with ground flax seed and use organic vinegars in your dressings.

Start eating whole grains like quinoa and millet. Some of the bennifits of adding fresh berries and melons to your diet are the additonal enzymes that support digestion and absorption. Boost your protein intake with organic beans such as black, kidney, pinto and garbanzo which are also cholesterol free, low fat and high in fiber.

Avoid caffeine, chocolate and junk food. Stay away from refined foods especially sugars. Artificial sweeteners and other additives are unhealthy and are nutritionally empty. Maple syrup and honey can be used in small amounts. Raw nuts and seeds are also good choices.

A good detox program or diet is intended to deal with toxins that have been absorbed and ingested toxins that have been stored in the body. In general a detox diet helps flush toxins stored in the body in order to increase energy, regularity, improve digestion, and improve mental clarity. Be smart and choose foods that are cleansing and nutritious. This will allow you to get the most out of your cleanse and keep your colon in good health. The right foods will continuously encourage natural detoxification which will allow your internal organs to function properly.

Article Source:, a leader in the alternative health field, gives you proven natural body cleansing colon cleansing products which can rid your body of parasites and toxins Read customer testimonials.

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