
Articles in Home | Diseases-conditions | Eating Disorders

  • What is the Cause of Celiac Disease and Other Factors?  By : Jameson Almalda
    Celiac disease's cause is still to be discovered. Nevertheless, studies have shown that several factors contribute to the health condition. These factors include genetic, immunological and external factors.
  • An Introduction To Eating Disorders  By : Simone Butler
    Eating disorders are one of those groups of illnesses which aren't always taken too seriously by the uninformed. The truth is that they can be devastating to the sufferer, both physically and mentally. Find out more so that you can recognize a problem before it gets out of hand.
  • History of Eating Disorders  By : Peter Whittington
    A condition involving serious problem behaviors regarding food is called an �Eating Disorder�, leading to adoption of harmful food habits. It may be of any type � under-eating, over-eating, vomiting of food after meals, or even taking extreme steps to prevent weight gain by way of excessive exercise or laxative abuse. Two most common types among these are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Teenage girls and women are commonly seen suffering with this disorder, but also found in people with psychiatric disorders like depression and anxiety disorder. In such cases, poor nutrition harms body organs, leading to death in some extreme cases.
  • Help for Eating Disorders  By : Peter Whittington
    Eating disorders hampers body�s normal functioning causes long-term health problems. Eating disorders involve disturbances in eating, such as:
  • Facts about Eating disorders  By : Peter Whittington
    An eating disorder is a compulsion in which the main problem is a person eats in a way which disturbs their physical health. The eating may be too excessive (compulsive over-eating), too limited (restricting), may include normal eating punctuated with episodes of purging, may include cycles of binging and purging, or may encompass the ingesting of non-foods. The best-known eating disorders are Anorexia nervosa. It occurs due to headache, obesity and migraine. We should eat properly to avoid these things. The person should maintain his health and eat his food at time. There are seven types of diseases occurred due to eating disorders:
  • Effects of Eating Disorders- Eating Disorders and its Impending dangers  By : Peter Whittington
    Eating Disorders have become a grave phenomenon in modern times. With the lifestyles changing drastically, eating disorders is a matter of serious concern. It can have life-threatening consequences on an individual�s life.
  • Eating Disorders- Its all about Healthy Eating  By : Peter Whittington
    A well balanced diet and good food habits is the secret of the well being of an individual. A healthy and happy life depends largely on what you eat and the food habits that you follow. However the modern lifestyle and brought with it some disadvantages among which eating disorders form a crucial part.
  • Eating Disorders Treatment- Finding Ways of Healthy Eating  By : Peter Whittington
    A person can remain happy, contented and can lead a normal life only when his basic needs are satisfied. Food is, of course, a basic requirement. But when food itself becomes a problem factor for an individual then it can have adverse effects on the individual�s life itself. Eating disorders can have unthinkable effects on an individual. Hence treating eating disorders becomes extremely crucial.
  • Eating Disorders in the Elderly  By : Peter Whittington
    Both Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa can occur in the elderly people. Most of the cases show a similarity in the features of the disorder suffered by the elderly and the young people. These features include clinical features, psychological issues, and a close relationship with other issues such as depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Both vulnerability factors and precipitating factors lead to the disorder in the elderly. The disorder is usually not diagnosed properly among the elderly due to the symptom being considered secondary to the other physical or psychological conditions.

    Anorexia is illnesses which can be kept secret easily by people who unsociable, depressed and lonely � the elderly.
  • Eating Disorders in Ballet Dancers  By : Peter Whittington
    Nimble-footed ballet dancers are a treat to watch. Their thin and slim figures and their balancing act on tiny toes make us marvel at their performances. But not many are aware of the lengths to which these dancers go to in order to keep themselves looking that way.
  • Athletes and Eating Disorders  By : Peter Whittington
    Ambitious, competitive people who base self-worth on performance excellence and winning seem to be at higher risk of developing eating disorders. Eating disorders continue to be on the rise among athletes, especially those involved in sports that place great emphasis on to be thin and lean. Sports such as gymnastics, figure skating, dancing and synchronized swimming have a higher percentage of athletes with eating disorders, than sports such as basketball, skiing and volleyball.
  • Celebrities with Eating Disorders  By : Peter Whittington
    An eating disorder is not the bane of common people. It affects celebrities too. Recent surveys and reviews have celebrities talking about how once upon a time before they became celebrities, they faced eating disorders in their lives, and how they overcame their binges or still continue to struggle with the same though putting up a brave front to the world outside.

  • Causes of Eating Disorders  By : Peter Whittington
    An eating disorder is a condition where the person tends to either starve or binge on his food. Eating disorders are induced due to various factors some of which are psychological while some could be biological. An eating disorder is more often due to a conscious obsessiveness with food or against it.
  • Bulimia eating disorders  By : Peter Whittington
    Bulimia is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by overeating within a short period of time and then purging to get rid of the calories consumed. Men and women who live with Bulimia bring about binge and purge episodes several times per day for months or years, sometimes unknown even to close family members. The most common cause of all Eating Disorder is the inherent presence of a low self-esteem.
  • Binge Eating Disorders  By : Peter Whittington
    People suffering from Binge Eating Disorder have a combination of symptom that is sufferer periodically goes on large binges, consuming an unusually large quantity of food in a short period of time (within 2 hours) eating until they are uncomfortable. Weight is usually average or in some cases slightly overweight. People suffering from Binge disorder find it difficult to loose weight. They do not purge or vomit after eating episode as in Bulimia.
  • Anorexia Nervosa  By : Peter Whittington
    Anorexia is an eating disorder where people starve themselves. Anorexia usually begins in young people. Individuals suffering from anorexia have extreme weight loss. Statistics shows one percent of teenage girls in the U.S. develop anorexia nervosa and up to 10% of those may die as a result.
    Risk Group
    Anorexia affect primarily people in their teens and twenties, but studies report both disorders in children as young as six and individuals as old as seventy-six.

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