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Active Seniors = Active Sex Life


Many people have attached a stereotype to the senior lifestyle which dictates that they no longer want to have sex. If you are a senior, however, you are probably like most other seniors, still enjoying an active sex life. If you are an active senior, you may have noticed little decline in the amount of sex you are having now as compared to twenty years ago.

The stereotypes are just not holding up when it comes to the reality of senior sexuality. There may be some changes to how often it happens or how long it lasts, or even time periods when it does not occur at all, especially if your partner gets sick, but that does not mean that senior sexuality is not as fulfilling. The key to maintaining a fulfilling and active sex life depends on the amount of general, physical activity which you engage in on a regular basis.

Sexual satisfaction seems to mirror the amount of physical activity you have on a day to day basis. If you are not keeping your body active with gardening, bicycling, swimming, walking or some other activity, then you will begin to lose the function power of your body. Just like a car that sits in the garage for a month, so does the body�s proverbial battery begin to die out. The energy level of a non-exercising senior diminishes along with the range of motion they have with their limbs and muscles. Their mental alertness and creativity will also suffer the more they remain inert. If the body reacts this way to staying motionless, then seniors and people in general, should expect their sexual functioning to suffer immensely as well.

When an active senior stays fit, they can overcome the natural laziness that would eventually decrease their sexual performance. Seniors that take a walk together will feel refreshed when they come home. The fact that both partners are on the same page is more conducive to them wanting to become intimate. Seniors that go to dance clubs where they square, line, ballroom, or some other kind of dance, can flirt with one another, and be playful and loving while they exercise their bodies.

Seeing your partner active and healthy is one of the strongest elements of physical attraction. The activities do not even have to be shared by both partners. Encouraging your partner to do something physically active that they want to do may give them the time to their self which has them coming home to you refreshed and appreciative of your desire to be intimate. The goal is to make sure that both partners are finding ways to stay fit and healthy. If you golf and your partner swims, you will both come home feeling invigorated and more ready to be sexy than if you had both been sleeping or watching television all day.

Despite the changes that occur with sexual functioning as one becomes a senior, there is still plenty of intimacy and sexuality to experience. Men should not feel inhibited by longer refractory periods and women should not be so about how it may take longer to become lubricated. Physical activity is the best way to counteract any insecurity which may develop about your body as you get older.

Feeling robust because you are swimming, walking or lifting weights gives you the confidence in your body that you might have lost if you did not stay active. If you are insecure about your skin, know that getting your blood flowing through exercise will reduce the appearance of aging, and as a bonus, will help get circulation to the sexual organs. A healthy heart assists sexual functioning and will keep your sex life active.

The sexually active body reflects confidence when it walks talks and wears clothes. Wearing something flattering that makes you feel sexy will be easier with toned arms and legs. Physical activity portrays a special confidence in a senior who allows intimacy and sexuality to be a realistic, frequent event. Seniors that engage in regular sexual activity are also happier in general and that contributes to your overall youthfulness and well-being. There is definitely truth in the statement, �use it or lose it,� that should be kept close to the heart. Just like the entire body, sexual functioning requires good circulation, a confident spirit and an active body.

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