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Beware Nutritional Supplements Can Interfere with Medications

By: Mitamins Team

You recently picked up a nationally recognized magazine, only to discover that you should be including more vitamins and minerals into your diet. Surprised, but pleased to know the information from a reliable source, you head online and begin ordering nutritional supplements.
But wait! You�re forgetting something very important!
Before you ingest any �health food� product, whether vitamin, mineral, or herb, it�s critical that you understand how your nutritional supplements can interact with any medications (or other nutritional supplements) you may already be taking.
Here, we�ll look at a few ways you can ensure that everything you put into your body works well together and doesn�t create any short-term or long-term problems.
1. Make (and Keep with You) a Written List of All Medicines You Regularly Take
Maybe you�re on blood thinners. Perhaps you take a few aspirins or ibuprofens every week. It might be that you�re on a birth control pill. Any of these medicines can interfere or react with nutritional supplements, leaving them ineffective or (worse yet) creating a toxic environment in your system.
By deliberately and thoroughly writing out all the medicines (both over the counter and prescription) you take on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis, you�ll have a better chance of avoiding an unwelcome side effect.
2. Ask Your Nutritional Supplements Supplier about Contraindications
A good supplier of nutritional supplements and vitamins should be able to tell you how their products may or may not work with any pharmaceutical drugs you take. Make sure you ask a customer service representative to explain any risks; if he or she cannot, it is recommended you either find another place to buy your nutritional supplements or to investigate possible reactions on your own.
3. Don�t Forget about How Nutritional Supplements Interfere with Each Other
�But I don�t take any medicines,� you might say. �So I don�t have to worry about this!� However, it�s crucial to remember that you cannot simply order a plethora of nutritional supplements and vitamins and expect your system not to be affected. Sometimes, in an individual�s earnest to �get healthy�, he or she actually winds up overloading on certain vitamins, minerals, and herbs. And that can cause a deadly reaction.
4. Tell Your Physician Which Nutritional Supplements You Take
Finally, be open with your family doctor or naturopath about what you�re ingesting. Many people are afraid to tell their physicians about �home remedies�; but if your doc doesn�t know what�s currently in your bloodstream, he or she cannot help you avoid medications that could be problematic.
Always take a list of the nutritional supplements and vitamins you�re on with you when you go to appointments; that way, you can be prepared to discuss your options intelligently.
Beware. Just because something is �natural� and �healthy� doesn�t always mean it�s safe for you. Just as every nutritional supplement or vitamin is unique, so is every person who takes those nutritional supplements or vitamins. Consequently, the formula that works for you may be toxic or harmful for someone else.

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Author Bio: Mitamins team [email protected] Find Authoritative Health Information on Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements; Find Custom Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements for all Your Health Needs. Vitamin health and Nutritional Supplements(

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