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Break Free from Acne Breakouts Zinc�s Role in Acne Treatment

By: Mitamins Team

Acne vulgaris, otherwise known as common acne, is the bane of many teenagers� lives. If acne during your teen years weren�t embarrassing enough, the pimples and breakouts can continue into adulthood. There is a constant search for an acne treatment that will ensure control and reduce breakouts. For most people, acne control is an ongoing process because more often than not, treatment is only a temporary reprieve from the symptoms. This is why the most effective treatments for acne are ones that remove pimples and then maintain optimal health so that the risk of future breakouts is reduced. Lifetime medication for acne control is excessive, which is why many people are coming off of antibiotics and starting to use supplements containing zinc for acne skin care. So, the important question is, does zinc work?

Acne Control and Zinc(

The deficiency of zinc has, in a number of studies, been linked to the cause of acne and other skin problems. Bacterial infection of the skin plays a large role in acne, especially amongst adults. Zinc is known for its infection-fighting properties, and it appears that treatment of acne with zinc is effective.

Zinc oxide has been used for years to help diaper rash. Zinc is also known for its skin soothing and healing properties. A number of studies have found zinc to be very effective as an acne treatment, as effective in tetracycline in some cases. It is generally recommend that taking between 60 and 90mg of chelated zinc a day can be an effective acne treatment.

Zinc is a naturally occurring mineral that is essential for the body�s function. Therefore, it is much preferable to take zinc than antibiotics in long-term acne treatment.

Other Tips for Acne Skin Care(

Whiteheads occur when sebum, bacteria or dead skin cells are trapped in the pore when it gets blocked. It presents a white appearance on the surface and acne treatment could mean squeezing them out with care. When the pore is not totally blocked, this trapped sebum, bacteria or dead cells make their way to the surface. It appears black because the melanin in the skin reacts with the oxygen present in the air. Blackheads take a much longer time to clear and acne treatment for these might involve many sittings. Cysts are also filled with pus and are so categorized if they are 5mm across or more in size. These are painful and can result in scars if you do not get proper acne treatment. If they are squeezed, it just gets worse. Nodules can cause scarring if squeezed and can be painful to boot. It is better if acne treatment is done by a dermatologist. Pustules are like whiteheads but they get inflamed. You shouldn�t squeeze them no matter how tempted you are to do acne treatment by yourself or it could cause scarring. Pimples are red and inflamed bumps. Here too, acne treatment means you keep your hands off those zits!

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Author Bio: Mitamins team [email protected] Targeted: Acne; Safety: Avoid Vitamins Overdose, Supplement Drug Interactions; Quality: Freshly Made with Brand Ingredients. vitamin support for Acne treatment(

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