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Constant headache

By: Jane OBrien

Headache is lone of the commonest ailments with which patients come to a doctor. Headache might be a fore-runner of a variety of eye problems, and hence anyone suffering from a constant headache should consult an eye specialist. Most people consider that eye-strain and the need for glasses are the commonest cause of headache. However, this is not true. The diagnosis of headache can usually be established by history and examination alone and other diagnostic aids like x-ray of the skull, CAT-scan, MRI and other diagnostic tests are seldom required.

Categories of headaches

There are many a groups on which the headaches have been divided. They may be namely, muscle Contraction, migraine and problem caused by eye strain. The most recurrent type of headache is caused by muscle contraction. The pain is rarely felt over the contracting muscles but is usually referred to areas such as the forehead, temple, or eye-balls. Muscle contraction headache can happen due to the daily stress of life, whether at home or work. It may also take place from sleeping or working long hours in unusual positions or prolonged close work. By and large this headache is relieved with a pain-killer. Headache caused by eye-strain can be perplexed with muscle contraction headache as it is referred to the eye-balls. Another issue that may cause confusion is the fact that such headaches are made worse by extensive use of eyes, but the headache caused by eye-strain is made worse only after use of eyes. One of the most painful headaches recognized to mankind is the problem of migraine. The pervasiveness of migraine increases rapidly in the first and second decade of life, and then remains steady till the fourth or fifth decade of life, and then slowly declines with age. Migraines lean to run in families. The pain tends not to be permanent but is generally severe and localized to one side of the head, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Migraine can take place due to a sudden increase or decrease in stress levels.

Causes of headaches

Eye disease causing headache are rare and are accompanied by other visual symptoms like blurring of vision, haloes around lights, photophobia, etc. There is generally a local ocular cause responsible for the headache. Eye-strain is very seldom a cause for continuous headache unless the eyes are continuously used for prolonged periods for near work. With the arrival of computers and their continuous use in daily work, headaches related to eye-strain are becoming more and more common. The constant glare of the monitor joint with the lack of blinking during computer work aggravates the headache. Other diseases that can origin headache can be due to ears, teeth, jaws, tumors, etc.

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