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Diet and Sleep

By: Jeff Foster..

As you know, the types of food you eat has a direct relationship on your weight... it also has an influence on how you sleep as well. And how you sleep can have a bearing on how much you weigh... confused... read on.

Let's stay with the thought that improving your sleep can help you lose some weight for the time being. Sleep improvement foods include fruits, green leafy veggies, whole grain breads, and cereals. In fact, some spices help as well such as sage, basil, and dill just to name a few.

Most everyone believes that a glass of milk just before bedtime helps... and they are correct. Milk contains tryptophan, which can be converted to serotonin. This is the hormone that controls sleep. Other similar foods of this ilk or honey, turkey, egg whites, and even tuna. So, from this list you should be able to come up with a light pre bedtime snack.

Alternatively, caffeine-rich food and beverages should be avoided right before going to bed. This includes coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, soft drinks and some medications. Some foods that are rich in tyramine can also affect sleep. Tyramine actually causes the release of a substance that stimulates the brain keeping you awake. This is found in bacon, cheese, sugar, ham or tomatoes.

Spicy foods, on the other hand, may cause gastrointestinal reflux or heartburn. While sweet or greasy foods can also cause indigestion and bloating. And though alcohol can make you sleepy, it actually upsets sleep patterns later in the night resulting to frequent waking in the night to urinate.

Also affecting your sleep patterns are when and how much you eat. As you approach your bedtime, and even later in the day for that matter, keep you eating on the lighter side. It's better to start your day with the hearty meals and taper off as you approach your sleeping schedule.

Vitamins and supplements can also help you sleep better. Foods that are rich in calcium, for example, can help induce sleep. These include milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, salmon, broccoli, tofu, and eggs. While nuts, almonds, cashews, beans, and spinach contain magnesium which is also helpful for sleep. Vitamins B12 and B6 are also used and beneficial in combating sleeplessness.

Be careful on what foods you eat. It can directly affect the way you sleep. By improving your eating habits, you will have a better chance at a good night's sleep.

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