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Do Kids Wet the Bed Because of What They Eat?

By: Susan Lewis

When it all comes down to it, nobody really knows why kids wet the bed. Ask the experts, and most will agree that heredity is to blame for why some kids wet the bed - but many suggest other culprits lurk in the shadows to make your child wet the bed. Some of these are a bit more controllable - and definitely worth taking a look at. Otherwise, we parents are stuck waiting for time to run its course. If it's only heredity, our kids are doomed to wet the bed until they reach some magical, dry age. No parent of a kid who's wet the bed regularly wants to wait around for that.

Here's some information about how food and drink may make kids wet the bed.

Chocolate - Eat it, and wet the bed?

Oh no! Say it isn't so! Well, actually it's not necessarily chocolate that makes kids wet the bed; it's the caffeine in the chocolate. What does caffeine do? It stimulates the body, including the bladder. So that evening cup of cocoa or slice of chocolate cake may make your child wet the bed. (Gosh, now I'm craving chocolate!)

Will They Wet the Bed if They Drink Soda?

Don't tell me those cute little bubbles may make them wet the bed! The immature bladder of the typical bedwetter shudders at the mention of carbonation. Take a drink yourself, a big swig of Coke, and see how soon you need to get to the bathroom. And if that soda isn't decaffeinated or diet, it's even worse.

Will They Wet the Bed if They Eat Citrus?

The citric acid in oranges and grapefruits can do a number on some people's digestive systems, and may make your child wet the bed. It's worth limiting how much orange juice and citrus your child consumes - just as an experiment to see whether he'll still wet the bed.

Will They Wet the Bed if They Eat Spicy Stuff?

Everything from Chinese mustard to salsa has potent spices in the recipe. It may also be a recipe for your child to wet the bed. Try limiting or eliminating salsa, Asian food, and other spicy foods and see what happens.

Wet the Bed Food #5: Foods Your Child Is Allergic To

Some kids are allergic to eggs, wheat, and everything in between. Add food allergies to a child who's wet the bed, and it's a recipe for double trouble. Some allergies cause bladder spasms - which means your child will wet the bed. Some children are also allergic to preservatives, dyes, and other additives. Usually there would other symptoms to the allergy, not just that your child wet the bed. If your child has multiple allergy challenges and has wet the bed, it's something to ask about on the next doctor visit.

So what do you do if you discover your child's wet the bed because of a food sensitivity? It's not like being allergic to a cat - get some shots or send Fluffy to live with Grandma. You'll have to enroll your child's compliance on this (so what else is new?). Get your child to see the value, the what's-in-it-for-me of staying away from what may be a favorite food. Dry nights are pretty valuable - and your child may come to see the tradeoff as worthwhile. The sensitivity may be temporary, too - and that should help. After all, just the thought of never being able to eat chocolate is cruel and unusual punishment.

Article Source:

Susan Lewis, owner of Bedwetting Help for Moms, provides encouragement, support, and education to parents of bedwetters. Request your copy of the free bedwetting help report "Got a Bedwetter? Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid"

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