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Facts About Single Parents

By: Jane Bear

Single parenting is already becoming a rapidly growing trend in the society today. Studies show, that in the United States alone, there are four single parents to every ten parents and there are two single parents for every 10 adults.

Single parenting can be the result of a voluntary decision, such as those women who choose to have a child by artificial insemination and those unmarried persons who adopt children. Women who become pregnant outside of marriage, or those parents who are widowed, divorced, or simply deserted by their spouses are all single parents.

More of single parent homes are female than male. The reason for this is that mothers are the one who gave birth to the child, so the mother and child have a stronger connection than with the fathers. But whatever the sex of the parent, parenting alone raises some unique challenges.

The problems that single mothers face are that they have a more difficult time providing for their families because women generally have lower paying jobs. Even though women face greater financial problems, they tend to be more nurturing to their children.

The fathers are often thought of as the one who brings home the money and not much else. In single parenting, the father must do a little bit of everything and take the place of a missing mom in the household. Men tend to have higher positions in the work force, so single dads do not run into the economic issues that single moms do.

Being a single parent inherently comes with challenges, when it is a single parent household, the single parent must wear several hats and do a great deal of tasks to keep the family together. Children raised in one parent homes have the opportunity to take more responsibility for the entire family's well being than those with two parents to share the burdens of income earning and family care, making them independent, mature, resourceful, and responsible.

Due to the constraints of parenthood, the time is often spent between work and taking care of the children rather than going out with friends or dates. Single parents won't have much time at all for yourself; in essence, your 'self' will be all about the children.

Single parents have the unique opportunity to influence their child or children for good or ill, without the counterbalance of another parent. Fortunately, many children raised in a single parent home will report with admiration the extra effort made by their single parent Mom or Dad.

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Ms. Jane Bear is the best writer since Shakespeare. See more of her stuff at Free Maternity Gift Information Get your free report on Maternity Clothes and Apparel

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