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Facts And FAQs On The Mediterranean Diet

By: Robert William Locke

Why is the Mediterranean diet so popular? As for myself, I can only say that I have enjoyed excellent health for over thirty years now and I am convinced that this is due in no small way to the diet I have followed. Living in Italy meant it was a natural choice! But apart from my own personal experience, there are lots of studies which show that the Mediterranean diet does indeed lower the risk of heart disease and even cancer rates.

The Mediterranean countries such as Spain, Greece and southern Italy have always had a long dietary tradition of good food based on natural healthy ingredients. This now forms the basis of the Mediterranean Diet which has become famous all over the world. Why is it so famous? Partly because many scientific bodies, such as Harvard University, have carried out extensive research which shows that this diet is effective in reducing the risk of heart attacks and lowering cancer rates as well.

Let me make it very clear that if you are not prepared to lose weight in a healthy manner but you would prefer surgery or something along those lines, then the Mediterranean diet is not for you. The Mediterranean Diet is easy, tasty (how many diets can say that), verified and really, great fun.

This diet is versatile. You do not have to follow complicated meal plans and recipes. Once you have learnt how to prepare a small number of dishes, you vary and adapt these to make lots of tasty meals. Once you have the great ingredients, it really is quite simple.

The basis of the Mediterranean Diet is that it has lots of fresh vegetables, fruit, legumes, bread and other cereals. Olive oil is an important ingredient too as indeed is red wine which is allowed in moderate quantities. Essentially, animal products consumption such as re meat is limited while fish is preferred to chicken and other white meats. Most dishes are served warm and there is very little raw food as such. This diet has lots of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and fibre and there is a reduced intake of saturated fats.

Why is red wine receommended in this diet, many people ask. It is thought that red wine as an alcoholic substance can be harmful . This is true is if it is drunk outside meal times and in large quantities. What scientists have discovered though,is that red wine contains flavanoids which are great antioxidants. These are a great ally in the war against ageing. An even healthier alternative, if you do not like wine, is to drink grape juice as this has all the healthy elements which are in red wine.

Will a Mediterranean diet really reduce my cholesterol? There is a significant amount of evidence and research which shows that bad cholesterol is reduced if you follow this diet. They recommend a lower amount of saturated fats because a high consumption of these will increase your cholesterol. That is why full- fat dairy products and meat in large quantities are not in this diet! Olive oil has had a great press in that it has been shown to reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels and also blood sugar levels.

There are many food outlets now which supply all the ingredients you will need to follow the Mediterranean Diet. Delis and restaurants specializing in this type of food are now in many locations. In the link below, you will find that there are tons of tasty recipes which can be easily prepared.

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Tired of fussy, finicky diets ? Try the Mediterranean Diet For breaking news on Wellness, visit Robert Locke's blog The Wellness Bible

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