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Give Your Body The Best Muscle Building Food

By: Jim Wolchak

We have a variety of foods available to us and not one of them can be considered a primary source of a muscle building food. Actually there is no one of anything in foods that can be considered crucial but taken together forms a strong bond and necessary to make your muscle grow. One category still stands out as a winner and that is protein. Protein is the essence of muscle building food and this article will show you the reasons why.

You will see that by making sure that protein is part of your daily eating pattern from the information that will be given to you later in this article. You will begin to understand why protein plays such an important role as a muscle building food for your muscle growth.

So what's so great about protein? Protein is to muscle like keratin is to hair growth. Without protein in your body you will not have muscle growth. Period. Protein is the key ingredient in a muscle building food diet because it is the stimulus that muscles need to have them grow bigger. The body uses the protein to break it down to the amino acids which are the core nutrient for building and repairing muscle.

Protein foods that you can put to use in your diet will be detailed shortly. But before I get to that aspect of things to come you need to understand the frequency of eating that you need to have. In short, eat a lot. Eat 6-7 times daily in portioned snacks and meals through the day. Make sure that no more than three hours lapses between meals or snacks. Eating at three hour intervals will not let your body lose energy and also you won't be famished when it comes time for your regular meal.

Protein comes in many different forms of food. The following will list just a beginning of protein related foods that you can find your local shopping market. These are not special foods but just common foods that are packed with protein.

Eggs. Right next to the milk section and these little gems are a great source of protein and researchers have proven that the common egg also has omega-3 fatty acids associated with it.

Legumes. Fancy word for beans. The buzz about legumes is that it belongs in the poor mans diet family. Far from truth because legumes are associated with beans such as pinto beans, kidney beans, navy beans and the like. These beans contain the fiber that keeps your blood sugar in check and maintains your energy at an even pace all day long

Nuts. Nuts are all over the place. There is a lot of protein packed into these little morsels of food that there is no excuse not for you to have nuts wherever you go. At work, at home, driving in your car or at the movies. Nuts contain the vegetable protein, and nutrients that your body needs in order to maximize muscle growth.

Having protein in your diet is one of the most important nutrients that you can start having in your meals. Get serious with yourself and start simple with the foods that are listed here and you will feel good about yourself knowing that you are replenishing your body for muscle growth.

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