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By: healthy hair expert

Healthy hair is a major factor in looking beautiful. Many of us spend years damaging our hair and are left with thin, brittle broken strands. Young women take their naturally healthy hair for granted. Be forewarned: it will not support you through serious abuse! The passage of time and lifestyle choices can have a big impact on you hair's health.

Things like birth control pills (starting or stopping), alcohol use, smoking and poor nutrition can take a toll on your once youthful mane. Careless brushing, windy convertibles and poorly-made barrettes and accessories will eventually cause breakage. Hair dryers, irons and other heated appliances will take a toll as well.

Save them for special occasions and find an everyday style that is kind to your hair. Stay alert for any early changes, such as dull hair that once was shiny, patches of thinness or broken strands. If your hair is falling out, don't delay taking action.

Consult a physician to rule out any obvious disorders that may cause the loss, but don't expect a doctor to solve your hair loss dilemma. Unless they find it's tied to a more serious ailment, many of them won't warrant your condition serious enough for further investigation.

Do do research on your own. The Web is a good place to start, but avoid the many false hair claims and scams you're bound to come across.

I have found that Vitamin B12 will greatly improve the appearance, and fullness, of hair. You must be patient, though, as hair changes that start internally can take up to a year to become visible.

Hair color and other chemical processes may add short-term beauty at long-term cost. If you must to color your hair, temporary color is a good start. If you do opt for permanent color, be sure to counteract its strain on your hair with regular, deep conditioning.

It is possible to regain your healthy head of hair, but you must be honest with yourself about your lifestyle and committed to long-term solutions. Your beautiful mane will be a satisfying reward.

Don't let anyone tell you what the length your hair should be. If you've worked for a healthy head of hair and want to show it off, age should not be a deterrent. Contrary to what stylists will tell you, there are no rules about chopping off your mane after a "certain age". Long healthy hair can feel and look beautiful at any age and with well-cared for hair, so will you.

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