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How To Build Confidence Levels With Mind Control Tricks

By: Lorna Luck

Have you ever wondered about how you think? Learning to control your thoughts is a very effective personal development technique for building confidence levels. But the problem is that thinking is hard work, and most people seem to want to avoid it at all costs. They would rather leave things to the intuition to help them make decisions.

To discover how easy building confidence levels can be, you need to spend some time getting to understand how your mind works. You can then start to change your habits and thoughts to bring about long lasting and empowering changes in your life.

Making Change Easy

Fortunately for us, making these changes in our lives is relatively easy. In this article we're going to cover how to identify what you need to change in your life, and some very simple NLP techniques you cab start using right away that will help you to start changing your habits for the better.

Our senses are processing data and information every second of the day. This information is passed into our brain, where past memories dictate how we respond and react to them.

As this data is fed into our brain, we automatically react based on what memories we have of the particular events. If we have experienced an event or situation before, our mind recalls that experience, and we automatically react in the same way we did last time. This then becomes our habit of how we will continue to react - unless we consciously decide to change it and react in a different way.

These auto-pilot reactions can (and do) bring on good or bad feelings, depending on how we reacted last time. Some habits can serve us well, like driving a car. If you drive regularly, you have an automatic habit that determines how you drive, without having to think to hard about it. You've no doubt experienced a sensation before where you arrive at your destination but can't fully remember exactly how you got there. That was one type of automatic reaction or habit.

So in the case of driving a car, these habits are good. But when it comes to weak and debilitating behaviours, these automatic habits are bad. For example, if you have a habit of being nervous or stressed when you have a lot of tasks to do at work, then this habit is weakening you and holding you back. Or if the thought of having a dinner party fills you with fear and anxiety, this is a weakening habit that is disempowering you.

Your habits are controlling the way you automatically react to all these situations - and you instinctively go along with it without asking yourself why you are reacting that way. But the good news is that weak and disempowering habits and emotions can be changed - and fairly easily too.

To get started on your path to controlling your habits reactions, you simply need to become aware of how you are reacting to these events and situations. Once you start to become aware of your reactions, start to ask yourself some questions like "how would I prefer to feel when confronted with this situation?" and maybe "why am I reacting to this situation in this way?". When you know how you want to react or respond, you can start to visualise the desired result. Visualise yourself responding in a positive way and feeling confident and in control.

Once you know the end result you want, you might want to ask "what's the best way for me to start to feel that way, or behave that way, or react that way?" It may sound strange but this all hangs on you asking yourself some simple questions, and supplying some answers.

So every time you feel you are reacting in a negative way, stop and thing for a second and ask yourself how you would prefer to feel. Then focus on feeling that way, and having the positive emotions you would prefer. Keep practicing feeling better about the situation until it becomes second nature - or a new habit.

Using these techniques on a regular basis is a great way of building confidence levels and empowering your life. By deciding to feel good about something, even when that situation used to make you feel negative, you have started on a path to creating new and empowering habits in your life that will remain with you forever (or at least until you decide to change them again).

Article Source:

Loren Luck is a self confidence and personal development coach . Here she explains some simple techniques for building confidence. She offers a free program teaching how to build confidence at

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