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Information On Headaches During Pregnancy

By: Jane OBrien

Pregnancy is a very important phase of a woman's life - perhaps the most important phase. Therefore no woman would like to ignore even the minutest of discomforts as it may affect her baby. In such a situation, even headaches during pregnancy are a topic of discussion. Pregnancy headaches are usually witnessed during the beginning of pregnancy due to rise in various hormones and in the third trimesters due to the increasing weight that the body has to bear. Below are some helpful details on headaches during pregnancy.

Headaches during Pregnancy - An Overview

It is important to note that the headaches that one experiences can get better in pregnancy, as progesterone causes the blood vessels to relax and not spasm, which is usually the cause of bad headaches. However, if one does suffer from increased headaches during pregnancy, one may be particularly sensitive to one's hormones or have had headache problems before the pregnancy also. Pregnancy headaches most commonly result from hormonal changes, fatigue, tension, hunger or physical and emotional stress. One must engage in some deductive reasoning and figure out the correct cause of one's headaches.
Treating Your Headaches -
Below are some potential treatments for pregnancy headaches -
As some headaches are triggered by low blood sugar, one can prevent bouts of decreased blood sugar by eating regular meals and by carrying high-energy snacks. Drinking plenty of water will also help to do away with dehydration which is another cause for headaches.
Another important suggestion is to avoid loud music, noisy restaurants, packed parties and crowded department stores. Ensuring a healthy environment is a necessity. An overheated, smoke-filled unventilated room would trigger a headache in almost anybody. Also, make sure that the home and workspace you are working in has adequate natural lighting.
Going out for a brisk walk will also help pregnant ladies in keeping good health and thus avoiding headaches. Rest is also essential during pregnancy, though too much of it can worsen overall symptoms. Meditation and yoga are two ways which can help one relax and decrease the effects of tension headaches.
Acupuncture, biofeedback and massage have also shown to bring some relief from a headache. Remember, during pregnancy taking any drug or medicine without the prescription of a doctor should be avoided as it could affect the coming baby.

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