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Kitty Cats In Our Household

By: Paulina Jenkins

Cats have been our beloved pets for millenniums. Looking at ancient pictures, there is almost always a cat in the picture. Owning a cat is different from any other pet, cats almost instantaneously bond with the person or family they live with. That bond is so strong, that should something happen to someone in the family, the cat will show grief and mourn the loss.

If you decide to adopt a cat there are some basic supplies for kitty cats that you must have. These are food, food bowl, water bowl, toys, and brushes, combs, scratching post, trimmer and kitty litter box. A balanced diet for cats must include proteins, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates. No cat should be fed dry food only especially males.

In the past, kitty toys have been pretty generic. A toy mouse on a string and your cat would play for hours. Today however, kitty toys are very sophisticated. There are interactive kitty toys that will make your children jealous and want to play with them. However it seems like the old fashioned, toy ball filled with catnip is just as likely to make you kitty jump for joy as the expensive toys on the market today. It is important to note that any toy that has an exposed elastic band is not safe for any cat or kitten and should be avoided.

You must provide scratching posts because all cats love to scratch and sharpen their claws. Scratching is a natural cat function but they must not do that on your furniture or drapes. Direct them to the scratching surfaces you have provided to keep your furniture safe. Trim your cats' claws regularly with special trimmers that you can obtain at most pet supply store. Make sure you do not trim right down to the claw's pink part or you may hurt your kitty cats.

There are a number of different brushes available to cat owners. It is important that you groom your cat often to avoid hairballs and it also allows you to check for ticks and fleas. Brushing them also assists in keeping the fur clean and shiny, and is very good at removing dead skin from the cats fur, reducing the chances of allergies.

Longhaired cats need special care to keep their fur healthy. It is recommended that they be brushed on a daily basis, and if that is not possible, every other day, this not only keeps the cats fur healthy, it is also a way for you to show your kitty how much you love him or her. Cats love to be brushed and will look forward to it everyday as quality time between the two of you.

Choosing the right brush depend on the length of your cats fur. A hard brush should be used on cat with thick or short fur. This will assist you in getting out all of the knots and debris that can build up on a daily basis. Cats with long furs should have a brush with soft wire or pins. This will allow you to brush them easily and will also get any debris out of their fur to give them a shiny healthy looking coat. Metal combs are also great for long fur because it will get right down to the skin and help get rid of dead skin and dander that can trigger allergies in some people.

Studies that were conducted using people who were depressed and withdrawn, showed that these people actually came back to life so to speak, when a cat was introduced into their life. The cat gave them a reason to go on, when the bonds were formed. Pet therapy has become very popular in nursing and retirement homes across the country. This has showed that cats are valued members of our family and should be loved as much as our children

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About the Author: Paulina Jenkins is a big kitty cats owner and lover with a very informative website to share with all kitty cat lovers Paulina Jenkins' website is loaded with helpful tips and advice from how to choose the ideal kitty cats to kitty condo

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