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Maintain a Healthy Balance � Stability Ball Exercises for Seniors

By: Peter Whittington

When I first saw a friend of mine using an exercise ball, I thought to myself, �I�d never be able to do that!� But after trying it out (very carefully), I found that using it was a snap. Actually, it made stretching and exercising fun and enjoyable. Using a stability ball, I was informed, also helps our balance as we get older.

A stability ball, for those of you who may not have seen one, is simply a large poly-vinyl ball (typically between 18 and 28 inches in diameter) that can be used in many ways during an exercise routine. It serves in place of a chair or floor mat (very handy for those of us who hate getting up and down from the floor during a workout). It can replace a wall or a bench during stretching, and, as we will examine below, a stability ball offers some unique stretching opportunities of its own.

Before you start using a stability ball, or begin any exercise program, remember to talk to your doctor. He or she may recommend that you not use a stability ball or that you only use it in the presence of a trainer or aid.

The magic of the stability ball is that any exercise performed while sitting on it simultaneously improves your balance and posture. This is due to the fact that the stability ball requires you to unconsciously keep your weight centered in order to avoid its rolling out from underneath you. Any exercise you can perform while seated can be done while sitting on a stability ball, and all the while your balance and posture will be aided as well.

Another advantage of the stability ball is that its shape allows you a greater range of motion than a chair, or even the floor. This helps primarily when stretching the back.

The American Council on Exercise (a nonprofit fitness advocate) gives a number of example stretches that can be carried out with an exercise ball. Before performing these stretches, make sure you�ve already warmed up. Move slowly through each stretch and get used to the feeling of having the ball roll underneath you.

This is a good stretch for the back: Sit on top of the ball with your feet in front of you and your hands behind your head. Take small slow steps with your feet allowing your back to roll forward onto the ball. Soon your upper back will be curved over the top of the ball, providing an intense (and pleasurable) stretch. Try reaching your arms overhead for an additional stretch for the back.

The second example is the kneeling side stretch: start by kneeling upright on a mat with the ball at the side of your right hip, place your right hand on the ball and your left arm hanging close to your torso. Sweep your left arm in a wide arc up and over your head and back to the starting position. Repeat three to five times. Hold the final arc in a lifted position 10-30 seconds for a static stretch.

This one is called a pelvic circle: Sit on top of the ball with your feet slightly to the right and the left. Using your legs, slowly circle your hips clockwise three to five times; reverse, circling counterclockwise. The ball will roll slightly, aiding in the stretch. Focus on releasing tension in the hips and lower back.

The American Council on Exercise provides a brochure with additional information on using a stability ball for stretching. Several online sources exist for finding the right stability ball for you. The size of the ball depends on your height, and the type of stretches and exercises you wish to perform with the ball. Stores or online sources selling stability balls will be able to assist you in picking out the right one.

If your doctor thinks its right for you, an exercise ball provides a versatile tool for working out. It acts as a support during conventional stretching. In addition, a balance ball allow for several unique stretching possibilities of its own. Your balance is improved each time you sit upon it, no matter what exercise you perform, and, when it comes down to it, using a stability ball while working out is just plain fun.

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