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Sanibel Island: Your Perfect Vacation

By: Horace Jurdon

After a lifetime spent dreaming of the perfect vacation, you've found the pristine spot: an intimate barrier island off the southwest coast of Florida, with white sand beaches studded with seashells, and a unique natural habitat rich in wildlife.

This tropical paradise is Sanibel Island, and your dream vacation will include all this and so much more. You'll want everything to be perfect, of course. The following tips will help you to prepare for your perfect Sanibel Island vacation:

What Should I Pack?

Unlike many popular vacation spots, you don't need to pack three changes of clothing for each day, or bring along a ton of gear. Sanibel Island is a relaxing place, so make your personal comfort the first priority.

Binoculars: Bringing along a good pair of binoculars should be a prerequisite for anyone wishing to take a Sanibel Island vacation. It's the best way to get up close and personal with the shockingly abundant natural wildlife. Keep binoculars handy while exploring the country or relaxing on the beach, and you'll never miss out on the animals or birds that will most certainly cross your path. Sanibel's sister island, Captiva, is also blessed with exquisite natural wildlife.

What to Wear

You can't beat Sanibel Island for the perfectly relaxing vacation. The atmosphere on Sanibel is casual, with a relaxed dress code. Men can choose to wear jackets for elegant dinners, but none of the restaurants stipulate it. Pair a nice shirt with pants or shorts and you are ready to go. The key here is casual, not sloppy. Leave the big, messy tank tops in your hotel room, and stroll down Periwinkle Way or do your grocery shopping in your bathing suit. It's a casual look you're going for, not comical.

Comfy Cotton: The climate on Sanibel Island is very much tropical, so be sure to dress accordingly. Leave the polyester at home, and pack cotton shorts, pants, tops and dresses. Cotton will help you to keep your cool on your Sanibel Island vacation.

Sunblock: The combination of sun and sand almost guarantees sunburn for exposed skin. Even on cloudy days, or under a sunshade, you must cover up with a good SPF sunscreen or sunblock. Long-sleeved shirts are also suggested for additional protection from the sun, particularly if you plan on taking a boat excursion. If you plan on visiting in autumn, you'll also want to pack a windbreaker or light sweater to cover up while at sea.

Accessories: Nothing fancy is required on Sanibel Island. Sandals are the footwear of choice for locals and visitors alike, and there are many shops that sell sandals and flip-flops. Be sure to pack a cap or visor to keep your head cool and help shield your eyes.

To protect your eyes, even more, be sure to pack a pair of polarized sunglasses. This simple accessory can make or break your Sanibel Island vacation. You don't want to risk missing anything by squinting against the sun, and there is so much to see. Every Sanibel activity, from water skiing and sightseeing to fishing and shelling, is much more fun when you can comfortably see. If you forget your shades at home, you can visit a local shop to pick up a pair.

Sanibel Shelling

Sanibel Island is world famous for its abundance of seashells. Kids and adults alike spend hours searching for these treasures along the gorgeous coastline. If you plan to shell on Sanibel, remember that beautiful treasures don't always wash up onto the beach. To find some real tropical treasures, be prepared to wade out into knee-deep water in low tide. Walk slowly and carefully and bring a bag for your treasures.

Always remember the golden rule of shelling, and never take a living creature from the ocean. Live starfish, shells, sand dollars and sea urchins must be left in their natural habitat. On Sanibel Island, removing living sea creatures is illegal and guilty parties will be required to pay a hefty fine. Peek inside to be sure that the shells you pick up are empty before putting them into your treasure chest. Don't take too many shells. The growing tourism industry has resulted in rather barren beaches throughout the world.

The perfect Sanibel Island vacation takes relatively little planning, light packing and virtually no effort. Being there is really all you need to be able to call Sanibel Island the vacation paradise of your dreams.

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Author Horace Jurdon writes for a variety of popular web magazines, on recreation center and recreation and leisure subjects.

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