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Six Prostate Secrets Nobody Ever Talks About

By: Robert William Locke

There are many ways we can keep the prostate gland healthy and at the same time relieve discomfort. Apart from medication and prostate massage, here are six tips nobody ever talks about which will keep the gland in good shape.

A study has been carried out by The Cancer Council Victoria in Australia about whether the frequency of ejaculation in men has any bearing on the incidence of prostate cancer in men.This study has been published in the British Journal of Urology International and shows that frequent ejaculation by masturbation or other means will help to keep the gland healthy by clearing out toxins, debris and even carcinogens which might build up in the prostate gland tissues.

Mnay options are available if you want to consider homeopathic treatment. The best known ones are :- Thuja Occidentalis ( Arbor Vitae), Cantharis (Spanish Fly), Hydrangea ( Seven Barks), and Solidago Virga (Golden Rod). Sometimes men suffer from a painful orgasm or the bladder is irritated because it is working overtime. These medicines help relieve other symptoms of chronic prostatitis as well.

Sitz baths are another way to get relief. This is a hot bath but only for the buttocks and hips as they remaini n the hot water for at least thirty minutes. The hot water does the work of penetrating all the layers of fat and muscle and will stimulate the circulation of blood in the prostate area. This is especially important if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. You can add your favourite bubble bath or scent to make it a pleasurable experience- the water should be as hot as you can bear it. At the end, you have to spray the area with COLD water so that the blood vessels constrict - rather like squeezing a sponge. In this way, you can get rid of the toxins.

Green tea is well known as a powerful antioxidant. In addition it is also one of the few substances which we drink which has the power to kill off cancerous cells but leaves the healthy cells in place. This process of apoptosis goes on all the time in the body but there are not many substances outside the human body which can perform this function. That is why green tea has had such a good press. A word of warning - as green tea contains caffeine, it should be consumed in modest quantities.

The top foods for prostate conditions are :- green leafy vegetables, soya, nuts and fruit. Tomatoes contain lycopene (found in the red skin) which can help the prostate. Try to avoid large consumption of red meat, coffee and alcohol. Any foods which are rich in selenium, Vitamin E and folic acid are definitely recommended.

Urinating when standing is not as effective as when you are sitting down, so the latter position is recommended. Why ? It is because the sitting position helps you to empty the bladder more efficiently thus getting rid of the toxins. One exercise to tone the muscles in the pelvic area can be done by squeezing the buttocks. This can be done as often as you like, but the number should be increased gradually.

I have outlined in this article six ways to help maintain a healthy prostate which are valid alternatives to medication which may have some undesirable side effects. These are also things to consider before deciding on surgery and/ or massage.

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