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Taking care of skin acne

By: Jimmy Appleson

This article discusses acne skin care treatment procedures.

Acne is skin disorder, related with increased oil secretion and blocked pores. Acne has different forms ranging from small red dots to pustules or cysts. It's actually a very common skin disorder, affecting not only teenagers, but adults as well as 50% of all adult women suffer from at and 25% of adult men.

As oppose to what most people think, skin acne is not just a problem that occurs during puberty, it can actually affect individuals aged 20 or older. We all want to look good and because of that having acne, especially in its severe forms can be really depressing for some people. But don't despair, there is plenty of research that's being done on this problem and scientists have come up with all those new products that can help you out.

Scientists have proven that acne is initiated by over production of the male hormones called androgens, which increases the oil secretion and blockage of pores, resulting in the initial non-inflamed spots of acne. Depending on the severity, acne is categorized as: mild, moderate and severe. The treatment varies significantly for each category. According to doctors, acne is 100% treatable, but keep in mind that it's not something that happens overnight.

The following tips can help you out. Acne outbreaks are often caused by over-exposure to sun, especially in the summer, therefore try to avoid sun-bathing and always apply sunscreen with a high factor. Since acne occurs when the sebum oil is blocked by clogged pores, always clean your skin and remove dead skin. With a proper skin cleanser and a sunscreen, you will have a fairly good chance.

Of course, we are talking about a multi-billion dollar industry here and you can tell that by the abundance on acne skin care products that can be found on the Internet. But with so many different products, which one is the best for you? Well, this question is hard to answer in just one sentence, every person is unique, so it's hard to pin-point one particular product that is absolutely The Best, therefore we will just try to outline a few of them that have proven to be good.

DermaE Clear Skin 1-2-3 products use the power of nature's essentials and are designed to provide effective treatment for problem and blemish-prone skin. Johnson & Johnson Persa Gel is one of the classic products when it comes to skin acne treatment. ProActiv is a whole system including a renewing cleanser, revitalizing toner, and repairing lotion. Clearasil features a lightweight, non-drying formula which effectively removes makeup, gently exfoliates dead skin and unclogs pores, removing dirt and oil.

Those are just some of the well known brands in the skin care industry, but nevertheless, it's always better to check on your condition with a dermatologist, before buying or applying anything. This a treatable skin disorder, but that doesn't mean that all of them will work for you. Always read the label and check the content.

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Here are some useful tips to help you with your Skin Acne Treatment. Author - Jimmy Appleson.

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