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The Anti Aging Exercise Program

By: Marianna Pells

There's no such thing as an anti aging exercise because there is not just one particular training activity that can fight aging. Rather, getting yourself into any regular exercise plan can help you develop good health, maintain a youthful lifestyle and age gracefully.

You won't be able to achieve anything if you're not going to get off the couch. Aging means not being able to do the things you like, whenever you want to. Incorporating strength, aerobic and flexibility training in your exercise program could just be your answer.

Strength Workout

Delay the aging process by doing a strength workout every now and then. What strength training does is enhance bone density and muscle mass. Lacking exercise results in the loss of muscle tone, where your muscles are less capable in sustaining your bones. You may end up developing constant back pain and a bad posture.

What's good about doing regular strength workouts is that your muscles become toned, skin tighter, arthritic conditions minimized and metabolic rate increase. Once your body has been conditioned to strength training, it is still able to burn fat even after you've finished working out. You can do a strength workout by weight training, resistance training (where you oppose forces), and isometric training (where you strengthen muscles without movement). The recommended amount of time to strength-train is 2-3 days per week.

If you're just exercising, isometric training is the best activity to start with, since it causes less tension. You're only required to flex your muscles repetitively, without really applying a range of movements.

Aerobic Training

Doing an aerobic workout is the best activity anyone can do to delay the aging process. Anyone from a child to an adult can do cardiovascular exercises. Cardiovascular exercises involve running, brisk-walking, and other exercises that require more endurance than full-on power.

Involving in regular aerobic training promotes good blood circulation. Good blood circulation helps blood effectively distribute oxygen throughout the body. It improves mental clarity, physical coordination and response mechanisms. Poor blood circulation causes you to feel faint, have regular headaches and can lead to more serious conditions like heart disease and dementia.

Benefits of aerobic training are improved endurance, reduced psychological and emotional stress, and lower blood pressure. At least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise everyday is advised.

Flexibility Training

Anyone who is getting into any type of exercise, be it cardiovascular or strength, needs to do some flexibility workout. This is why you are always told to warm up before exercising and cool down afterwards. Doing a flexibility workout enhances joint, skeletal and muscular health so that you can maximize your physical and mental capabilities.

Doing a flexibility workout minimizes the distress caused by joint conditions and gives way to better physical movement. Just 30 seconds of this type of workout a day enhances movement and flexibility.

Merging strength, aerobic and flexibility workouts in one exercise program can give you the anti aging effects of strength, speed, balance and alertness.

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