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The Know-How Of Headaches

By: Jane OBrien

In today's fast life every second person one meets is either suffering from or has suffered from a headache. The situation today is so bad that children worldwide are also suffering from headache and its symptoms. This is mainly because of the growing competition, tension and suffering. Below is all the information you need to know about headaches

The Pain That Comes With A Headache -
The hurt in headache pain originates from a network of nerves that cover the scalp and from particular nerves in the face, mouth, and throat. The muscles of the head as well as blood vessels along the surface membrane that surround the brain and base of the brain contain pain-sensitive nerve fibers. In addition to this, many nerves run from the brain directly to the face and head. These nerves have pain receptors which carry pain signals to the brain. Stress, muscular tension, and expanded (dilated) blood vessels are the provokers of the pain sensations. Once this pain message is received, the brain then registers it, originating from regions of the head, face, and neck.

There are two common causes of headache pain which can explain and differentiate two common types of headaches. These are tension-type and migraine headaches.
a. Tension may strain muscles of the face, neck, and scalp. This leads to tight, pressing pain sensation of tension-type headaches.
b. Swelling and stretching of the blood vessels in the head leads to vascular headache pain: A migraine headache is the main form of vascular headaches.
When is your headache a emergency?

Though headaches have become a common phenomenon, it is important that they are not completely neglected. If your child suffers from recurring headaches, then you must show him to a doctor. As far as adults are concerned following types of headaches need you to consult your physician - a severe headache with sudden onset or headache pain that feels like an explosion or thunderclap. A headache pain that is continuous and becoming worse or if a headache pain persists following an injury to the head can also not be neglected for they may be indicating some disease.

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