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The Secret to Control Premature Ejaculation

By: Steve Armstrong

Millions of men all over the world struggle with premature ejaculation on a daily basis. Are you one of them? The following are some tips and techniques to give you greater control of your problem.

1. Wear a Condom Many men who suffer from premature ejaculation find sex to simply be too intense for them to control. As such, they tend to reach orgasm quickly. One solution is to wear a condom in order to lessen the intensity of sex. Ask yourself this question: Did you always use condoms in the past and then suddenly stopped using them when you became monogamous? And did your problems with premature ejaculation begin only when you shucked condoms? If so, then there's your problem right there.

2. Learn your sexual responses. The ability to prolong intercourse is a learned response according to Dr. Drogo Montague ( director of the Center for Sexual Function at The Cleveland Clinic) . This dates back to the time when it was necessary for men to impregnate his mate quickly before predators catch them while he can't defend himself. The way to overcome this conditioned response is to learn ans delvelop awareness of where your sexual response comes in. When you know you are quickly approaching that point of no return during sex, you are in a better position to control sensations and stimuli, such as by slowing down or stopping momentarily. Once you are experienced in this type of control, you can learn what is needed to delay your ejaculation.

3. Overcome anxiety. Many people have the belief that sex is dirty and feel shame when they have sex . Some people may be carrying baggage from previosu experiences that creates feelings of anxiety during sex. These types of feelings can cause premature ejaculation. If you are suffering with such feelings, the result is that your subconscious can instruct your your body to perform the sex act quickly, and your body obeys this instruction. The solution is to identify these feelings of anxiety or distress and treat the root cause of the problem.

4. Numb the sensations. You can use topical anesthetics to desensitize the sensations during sex and control your ejaculation better. Unfortunately, this can be messy and inconvenient, so it is not highly recommended, but it does work. The downfall is that it can be difficult to get the dose right, in which case you don't feel anything at all.

5. Swallow a pill. Pharmaceutical tablets like Prozac and other SSRIs ( selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) can be prescribed and used for treating premature ejaculation. It is an established side effect of most SSRIs. However, the bad news is that their use can detrimentally affect your sexual libido

6. Masturbation before sex. If you have not had sex for a long time, you may be so hot and bothered that you are likely to ejaculate right away. One solution is to reduce your libido a little by masturbating prior to sex. This helps you cope with the heightened sexual sensations during sex. Be warned though, this solution may not work for everybody, especially for those with severe premature ejaculation problems. In severe cases, some men ejaculate quickly irrespective of how many times they have sex. Additionally there are some who have a long refractory period between orgasms before their penis is ready for action once again. Masturbating may not be a solution for men with a long refractory period because it can prevent him from rising to the occasion when it matters the most.

7. Communication. By communicating with your partner, you can alert her to when you think you may be about to ejaculate, enabling here to slow down until you have recovered sufficiently. Communicate verbally so you are clear about your intentions.

Since anxiety is a well-known cause of premature ejaculation, communication can help in this regard as well because it can help lovers relax and feel comfortable with each other. Communication can also wash away fear and discomfort. It's a great way to get those contraception issues out of the way, another great cause of anxiety during sex.

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