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Understanding the Cause of Pimples and Acne.

By: Noel Clarke

Acne is the term we use to describe a rash like skin disorder which annoys the heck out of millions of people. There are basically two types of acne, namely non-inflammatory which is the common black heads and white heads type, and the more serious inflammatory variety which manifests itself as papules, pustules and in serious cases as nodules and cysts.

Acne or pimples can be caused by a variety of influences, such as hormones during puberty, a woman's menstrual cycle, pregnancy and taking birth control pills. There are plenty of old myths about eating chocolate or greasy food contributing to acne, but none have been proved. However it goes without saying that if you do find food that seems to cause a pimple explosion, then it would probably be best to keep away from it.

When treating acne, like many things in life it is better to try and prevent acne outbreaks rather than cure them. Simple habits such as keeping your skin clean, and wearing clean garments, and sleeping in clean bedding can help prevent or reduce acne and pimples. There are also many acne treatments and medications on the market. Getting some good advice from your doctor or pharmacist is always a good starting point, but be aware that a treatment which works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else. Squeezing pimples is generally regarded as a bad idea, as this practice can result in scarring.

One of the things that most people regardless of gender or background can agree on is that acne sucks. Just as everybody is different, acne affects everybody differently. The lucky few get a couple of zits during puberty, while the rest of us are covered in spots or worse. The best way to combat acne is by educating yourself on the cause of pimples and acne, and the best strategies and treatments to help combat it. By finding the information, and putting what you learn into practice, can only bring you closer to getting that perfect skin

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The author, Noel Clarke has provided more information on the cause of pimples
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