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Vitamin E aging wonder cure or hyped up quackery?

By: Clive Cable

Did you know that a dose of 200 UI daily of vitamin E can help your body fight numerous diseases? Studies found that alpha tocopherol, or as it's better known Vitamin E has proven to fight certain diseases. Studies show that Vitamin E may also help with oxygen preservation.

That's right taking 200 IU daily may help the blood retain up to 40% or more of its oxygen, which supplies the bodies major organs such as the heart and lungs. It also appears vitamin E acts as a natural "anti-coagulant" that has been proven to support the overall body system and how well it functions. Scientist have now discovered that Vitamin E is effective at reducing blood clotting and can be used to help prevent heart disease.

The vitamin is claimed to assist with dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow. This helps the heart receive the blood flow it needs to stay healthy. Not suprisingly Vitamin E has also been put forward as one of natures anti-aging solutions. Many doctors now believe that this useful vitamin will stabilize and control a person's overall development or maturity.

German doctors as the result of their studies into blood flow refered to Vitamin E as the 'fountain of youth'. They believe that this vitamin is a definite benefit to the control of the anti aging process.

Studies have also shown that Vitamin E helps improve the quality of hemoglobin with in the blood. This is seen as a major breakthrough in the fight against curing a number of blood related diseases and illnesses.

The hemoglobin structure holds on to oxygen with in the molecule for an extended time, which helps the oxygen flow more smoothly around the body.This is the prime reason why Vitamin E has been linked to reducing the risks of disease and is recommended to improving anti aging.

In light of this revelation doctors are now starting to suggest that as well as improved circulation and all it's benefits Vitamin E may also significantly reduce the risk of anemia and indeed actually purify the blood.

During the aging process our body changes which promotes the build up of body plaques or as they are perhaps now better known body toxins. These show up as the well known visible signs of aging such as wrinkling, crows feet and other signs of aging. By boosting the metabolism Vitamin E works to reduce the fatty build up and prevent these toxins occuring in the body.

Scientist believe that what happens is the Vitamin E breaks down these toxin when they meet and this slows down to some extent the aging process. It would seem that doctors have proven some obvious benefits of Vitamin E. But some experts are rather more cynical and doubt the picture is quite as straight forward as others claim.

It still seems there really is no definitive answer as to whether Vitamin E is the miracle the aging population have been looking for and it will be some time before there is.

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