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Weight Loss-Do it the Right Way

By: Sara Mendez

Losing weight can easily be attained if you go about it the right way. Obesity in America is at an all time high. According to the CDC, in 2006 only four states had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%. There are many reasons people gain weight, it could be snacking, portion issues, or food addiction. For all the reasons people gain weight, there are just as many reasons to lose weight.

Many time people get hungry between meals, so they snack. Often people aren't eating the right things at meal times, and become hungry quickly. You need to know what foods are good for you and why you are hungry in the first place. Some times people snack when they are not hungry, maybe because they are nervous, bored or stressed. These are known as emotional attachments to food. It is important to address these issues before you can be successful in weight loss.

No one knows what an ounce of chicken truly is, many put their trust in restaurants to give them proper portions, and sadly this does not happen often. The portions found at restaurants are grossly exaggerated, and now more than ever people are eating out which fuels the problem. This issue obviously causes gain weight. Even when preparing food in the home, it is hard to decide what a proper portion is, especially if the food is tasty.

People who are food addicts are usually completely out of control and unable to know if they are truly hungry or simply having a craving. Food addiction is an issue that is finally making its way into the forefront of weight gain. Often times, food addicts have become so because of a habit. Once you address this habit, you are able to regain control and focus this energy on something else such as weight loss and exercise. Unfortunately people who suffer from this have a hard time identifying this as the source of their weight gain. Unless you identify the problem you can not find a solution.

There is good news when it comes to dealing with the battle of the bulge. Hypnosis has proven to be a highly effective tool. Hypnosis is not a short term fix, many have experienced long term success because hypnosis deals with the actual triggers and attachments to food that could hold you back with other short term plans. It is difficult to figure out why you over eat, make bad food choices or snack without help. Hypnosis can help with this. This treatment deals with all the behaviors you are unable to deal with through regular diet and exercise.

Hypnosis helps you to crave other things such as exercise, healthy food and other activities. You will notice your energy returning, you will feel more happy and relaxed that you are doing something about your problem instead of doing nothing at all. You will no longer feel the need to eat unhealthy things and sit at home on the couch. It is a wonderful feeling indeed.

Think about how different you life could be in just a few short sessions. Think of all the things you could be doing instead of eating. You need to find a pan that fits with you and your lifestyle. Don't allow yourself to be one more in the obesity epidemic, be a better healthier you. There is no time like to present to make a decision to change you life. There are plans out there than can help you, make your choice.

Article Source:

Patrick Glancy, NGH Board Certified Hypnotist
Weight Loss Hypnosis
Quick Hypnosis - Self Help Hypnosis on CD and MP3 Download

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