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What Taurine Can Do To Your Dog

By: Joshua Hacken

Taurine is a water-soluble amino acid. It has recently become a hot topic when referring to the nutritional composition that makes up the human and animal physical structure. Taurine has been found to be very beneficial to various components of the mammal skeletal system such as heart, kidneys and blood.

According to, Taurine is "a colorless crystalline substance, C2H7NO3S, formed by the hydrolysis of taurocholic acid and found in the fluids of the muscles and lungs of many animals."

Taurine, being a catalyst, is needed to help the flow of important elements within the body from one cell to another. Elements such as Potassium, Calcium and Sodium rely on Taurine to move between cells.

Taurine has been a present element in cat food due to its vital properties and just recently pet food manufacturers have been implementing Taurine into dog foods also realizing that this can be very beneficial to dogs as well as cats.

Taruine can be found mainly in the retina. There were cases of kittens that were blind because of a lack of Taurine. On the other hand, when Taurine was used the same cases kittens experience vision recovery.

Taurine is also very beneficial for the heart, and cases of dilated cardiomyopathy have been linked to low Taurine levels in kittens. (A disease or disorder of the heart muscle, especially of unknown or obscure cause.)

Taurine is not present in all dog foods. Thus, you need to read the dog food label carefully, making sure that Taurine is present. Almost all dog food manufacturers are concerned only with profit gains and are not interested in your dog's health. This is why you must do your homework so that you know the types of food you are feeding your dog.

Your dog certainly does not have the power to decide which food is good for him. He will consume anything that he is offered. This is precisely why you have to feed him with the best dog food.

With so much competition, research is not high on a dog food manufacturer's list so that is why you must be so vigilant. Research takes time and money so you will pay for the better more nutritious foods. Take the time and do your own research to ensure that you have touched all of your nutritional bases.

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In My 5 Years Experience, I Discovered Most Dogs Aren't Fit Because Of The Food They Eat. To Learn About Dog Food, Grab My Free Guide On Best Dog Food Secrets That Most Dog Owners Will Never Know & Learn Why Taurine Is Good For Your Dog

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