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Why Is It Difficult To Lose Weight?

By: Robert William Locke

The experts tell us that is is simple to diet - there is no ideal diet on the market except the one that tells us to move our bodies more and to consume fewer calories. This article will set the record straight and outline a few basic facts on weight loss.

Because many factors affect how much or how little food a person eats and how that food is metabolized, or processed, by the body, losing weight is not simple. First the good news - losing weight is about self-image, but we should never forget the health benefits that come from reduced chances of heart attack, stroke, and cancer.

Now for some bad news - well ,let us be realistic. Most people think that losing weight is an impossible task that is really impossible to complete. Ninety-five percent of those who lose weight will regain it within a few years, according to Harvard Health Reports. I think that every one of us has the inner resources to get what we want - it is simply a question of 'want power'. If you WANT to have a slimmer body, then you will get it. Psychologically we have to keep a can-do attitude.

Lots of protein and carbohydrates have been the staple of the American diet for a long time now. Waistlines are getting thicker and obesity is becoming a national problem. It is now time for major rethink and the people need to know a few basic facts about weight loss.

The first basic rule of weight loss is that you have to eat less than you burn up through movement and exercise. Now it does not matter where the calories come from ( i.e. carbohydrates, proteins or fats). How can you do that ? Here are some tips :- Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains. You can also make some smart choices when it comes to salad dressings and cheeses just by simply choosing the low-fat option. Breakfast is a great place to start - here you can choose low-fat milk and yogurt,eggs and lean meat such as diced chicken.

A group of researchers at the University of Colorado recently published some good news. They have been tracking successful weight losers , i.e. those who managed to lose at least 60 pounds and were successful in keeping it off for five years! Another group of researchers with the National Weight Control Registry found that the success stories were those people who managed to keep their daily intake of calories to around the 1,400 level. More good news is that in many major US cities (New York included), restaurants are obliged to publish the calorie information on their menus.

Exercise doesn't have to be a strenuous aerobic class; walking is just as beneficial. If you walk for 20 minutes a day, you can burn 100 calories and that means you can lose a pound every month. If you really want to move into top gear, you can exercise with weights or strength training as we also call it. Exercise with weight loss improves our chances of a longer, healthier, and probably happier life because it is going to prevent osteoporosis.

You will always feel in a better mood after any form of exercise. This is due to the 'feel-good' endorphins which are released when we do any physical activity. This is a great aid to motivation and will encourage you to keep at it. As regards choosing the right diet, try The Mediterranean Diet - it has been studied all over the world as a model for healthy eating.

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Before you go for a weight loss program which is right for you, check out the The Wellness Bible, and The Mediterranean Diet

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