
Articles in Home | Diseases-conditions | Fungal Disease

  • Yeast Infection in Man: Are You Setting Yourself Up for One?  By : Di Roberts
    "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," so the adage says. When it comes to yeast infection in man, those are words of wisdom indeed. Ridiculous as it may seem for some men to be struck down with what they might call a woman's malady, there's no escaping the reality that they, like every other male, can suffer from a Candida yeast infection symptom just like any female.
  • Yeast Infection Symptoms To Which You Must Pay Attention  By : Letha Lashley
    If you think you might have contracted a yeast infection... however, you are not precisely certain. It's conceivable if you have a yeast infection that you might not even be aware of it or worse... you may mistake it for another condition. There are crucial yeast infection symptoms that you must pay attention so that you can find out what is normal for your ability and so that you can ascertain the difference between a yeast infection and some other sort of infection.
  • Permanently Banish Yeast Infections  By : Alice Beaumont
    It is reported that 75% of women will suffer from yeast infections at some point in their lives. Although this is a common infection many women still find it difficult to discuss the problem with their doctors. There are plenty of medications available that will treat this problem, but a lot women are now looking for more natural ways to deal with the condition.

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