
Jane OBrien's Articles in Arthritis

  • Powerful Arthritis Pain Relief For All Of Us
    When you ask what arthritis is, professionals will tell you it's inflammation of one or more joints. But you know it better as pain, swelling, stiffness, deformity, and/or a diminished range of motion of those joints! It's estimated that over 50 million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other related conditions.
  • Natural Arthritis Pain Relief - By Doing Simple Arthritis Exercises
    Apart from the regular medication, proper diet, rest and relaxation, doctors also recommend arthritis exercises. These are specially designed exercises for people with different types of arthritis. Exercising is a must do for all people suffering of arthritis because it will help them increase the flexibility of the joints, increase bone vigor, muscle strength and energy levels, so they will have a better control of their weight and a strong heart. But most of all, exercising will help keep joints completely movable and will fortify the adjacent muscles
  • Arthritis Diet Myths - Don't be Fooled by Those Food Fables
    One of the most popular myths I hear from my patients is that eating golden raisins soaked in gin will cure arthritis. There is no good research to support this notion. Save your money.
  • Arthritis -- Can It be Prevented
    Effective help is currently available for people to proactively manage arthritis and enjoy life to the fullest. But the actual prevention of arthritis itself is yet another story.
  • Aleve, Vioxx, Celebrex and Bextra: What You Need To Know About Arthritis Pain Medications
    Recent controversy about the safety of pain medications for arthritis has left patients and health care professionals alike confused about which medications are safe to use. In fact, a recent survey by the Boston-based Rippe Lifestyle Institute indicated that many people with arthritis are suffering unnecessarily because they have stopped or reduced their use of pain relievers due to confusion about which drugs are considered safe.

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