
Jane OBrien's Articles in Headaches

  • Constant headache
    Headache is lone of the commonest ailments with which patients come to a doctor. Headache might be a fore-runner of a variety of eye problems, and hence anyone suffering from a constant headache should consult an eye specialist. Most people consider that eye-strain and the need for glasses are the commonest cause of headache. However, this is not true. The diagnosis of headache can usually be established by history and examination alone and other diagnostic aids like x-ray of the skull, CAT-scan, MRI and other diagnostic tests are seldom required.
  • Sinus Headache Treatment
    Sinus headaches occur when the air-filled, bony cavities connecting to the nose get blocked due to excess mucous and get infected and congested.
    Treatment involves reducing the swelling in the sinuses region, the inflammation and the pain, and improving the drainage system in the nasal area. Some of the treatment methods that can be adopted are -
  • Sinus Headaches
    What are sinus headaches?
    Sinuses are the bony, air-filled cavities connecting to the nose through small openings. These openings are blocked due to excess mucous and become infected and congested, when a person suffers from a cold or allergy. Due to the infection and congestion of sinusitis, sinus headaches are experienced.
  • Tension type headache
    Headache is an ill condition characterized by pain in the head or neck region which may be a symptom of a disease underlying in the body. Headaches are the most common and universal human ailments .tension type headache is one of the most severe form of headache and can be a threat to the health. Its symptom starts a severe pain that radiates in a band like fashion bilaterally from the forehead to the occiput. Sometimes pain also spread to the neck region and can be very troublesome.

  • Types of headaches
    A headache in the medical terms is also known as cephalgia. The head ache is a condition of mild to awful pain in the head. This pain sometimes attacks the neck or upper back pain may also be referred to as a headache. The headache is among the most common local pain complaints. in the normal day the brain should not ache because of minute reasons because the brain itself is not sensitive to pain. The brain is not sensitive because it lacks pain-sensitive nerve fibers. Some of the areas in the head can hurt, including a network of nerves. Because the nerve system although does not exist in brain but it extends over the scalp and certain nerves in the face, mouth, and throat. The blood vessels in the head also have pain perception. Headache often results from the irritation in the blood vessels.
  • Stress Headaches
    Stress is a feeling that's created when our body reacts to particular events. Stress involves the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness. The situation that causes stress are called stressor, and they cover a whole range of activities right from outright physical danger to making a class presentation or taking a semester's worth of your toughest subject. The human body in general responds to stressors in different ways mostly by activating the nervous system and specific hormones. The hypothalamus, which is present just above the thyroid gland, signals the adrenal glands to produce more of the hormones adrenaline and cortical and release them into the bloodstream. These hormones can cause a rapid speed up in the heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and metabolism.
  • Dealing With Pregnancy Headaches
    Headaches are one of the most common discomforts and complaints that come with pregnancy. Though a headache may occur at anytime during one's pregnancy but they tend to be most common during the first and third trimesters. It is common for all ladies to feel anxiety about occurrences like headaches during the most important phase of their lives. Thus they can learn all they want to about pregnancy here.
  • An Overview Of Menstrual Headache
    It has been found in various studies that Women suffer from headaches and migraines three times more frequently than men do and also that menstrual migraines affect 70 percent of these women. A menstrual headache occurs either before, during or immediately after periods, or during ovulation. While, serotonin is the primary hormonal trigger of a headache, some researchers believe that migraine is an inherited disorder that somehow affects the way serotonin is metabolized. But, for women, it also matters how serotonin interacts with uniquely female hormones. Menstrual migraines are primarily caused by estrogen, the female sex hormone which specifically regulates the menstrual cycle fluctuations throughout the cycle. With change in levels of estrogen and progesterone, a woman will be more vulnerable to headaches. As oral contraceptives influence estrogen levels, women on birth control pills may also experience more menstrual migraines.
  • The Know-How Of Headaches
    In today's fast life every second person one meets is either suffering from or has suffered from a headache. The situation today is so bad that children worldwide are also suffering from headache and its symptoms. This is mainly because of the growing competition, tension and suffering. Below is all the information you need to know about headaches
  • Headache Remedies
    Headache is the most common ailment that almost all suffer from at on point of time or other. They can be of two types - primary and secondary.
    People may opt for man-made (home remedies) drugs for headaches or pain relievers. However, the natural remedies for headaches are gaining are more popular as they provide a very safe and effective way to relieve headaches.

  • Frequent headache
    Headaches are a common cause of suffering, but all headaches are not created equal. The main challenge to affording relief from various forms of cephalgia, or head pain, is categorizing a headache by type, and then proceeding with the therapy most likely to help. The International Headache Society's landmark work on headache classification has allowed important advances in headache study, but is somewhat awkward to use in clinical practice. One practical approach is to first distinguish urgent headaches from others that may be less urgent, if no less distressing. Identifying special headaches i.e. those that may only benefit from specific therapy is the next step. Finally, if neither of these classifications fit, treatment of tension or migraine headache is in order. A headache is pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck. Serious causes of headaches are extremely rare. Most people with headaches can feel much better by making lifestyle changes, learning ways to relax, and occasionally by taking medications.
  • Eyestrain Headaches
    There are different causes and reasons for headaches. Eyestrain is one of the most common causes of headaches, especially at work places. These headaches can be commonly seen in people who are doing any work involving close contact with the eyes, especially, those who work in front of the computers.
  • Is your child suffering from child headache
    Though child headache can be a serious problem and should not be ignored, one needs to remember that most children do get headaches sometimes. Most of the time a headache may not be serious just like a tension headache that an adult might get while fighting traffic. Chances are that this is not a life threatening condition, and that over the long term it will not have a significant impact on the child's life. However one cannot neglect child headaches as they might be signaling a serious health issue. A headache is actually a helpful signal which has the potential of leading one to treatment that will probably solve the problem.
  • Information On Headaches During Pregnancy
    It is important to note that the headaches that one experiences can get better in pregnancy, as progesterone causes the blood vessels to relax and not spasm, which is usually the cause of bad headaches. However, if one does suffer from increased headaches during pregnancy, one may be particularly sensitive to one's hormones or have had headache problems before the pregnancy also. Pregnancy headaches most commonly result from hormonal changes, fatigue, tension, hunger or physical and emotional stress. One must engage in some deductive reasoning and figure out the correct cause of one's headaches.

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